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bleeding anus cloud.


i 2nd that motion

Explain exactly under which circumstances one should use the "bleeding anus" gremlin. It could be used to denote suffering, or how things can go terribly wrong, just when everything seems to be going your way. Complaining is already covered by the "wahmbulance" snugtop.gif(snugtop).
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bleeding anus cloud.


i 2nd that motion

Explain exactly under which circumstances one should use the "bleeding anus" gremlin. It could be used to denote suffering, or how things can go terribly wrong, just when everything seems to be going your way. Complaining is already covered by the "wahmbulance" snugtop.gif(snugtop).


I happened to be there when the late Earl Redfern told a story in Camp 4 about a fall he once took while leading an A4 pitch right off the ground. He ripped a bunch of placements and landed on a spike of granite that, as he said, ripped his anus. This was back about the time he, John Bagley, Tom Bepler, and Eric Brand were in the valley preparing for the west face of Mt Thor on Baffin Island.

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bleeding anus cloud.


i 2nd that motion

Explain exactly under which circumstances one should use the "bleeding anus" gremlin. It could be used to denote suffering, or how things can go terribly wrong, just when everything seems to be going your way. Complaining is already covered by the "wahmbulance" snugtop.gif(snugtop).


I happened to be there when the late Earl Redfern told a story in Camp 4 about a fall he once took while leading an A4 pitch right off the ground. He ripped a bunch of placements and landed on a spike of granite that, as he said, ripped his anus. This was back about the time he, John Bagley, Tom Bepler, and Eric Brand were in the valley preparing for the west face of Mt Thor on Baffin Island.


these are the type of stories that make logging on to cc.com everyday worth it all...

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Other required gremlins:

a) passed out drunk/stoned next to campfire or at a bivy

b) bushwacking through devils club

c) rescue helicopter

d) old dude hitting on partner's girlfriend

e) the 'bail' gremlin: kind of like the Mr T gremlin except it says things like 'It's too cold' or 'My leg hurts' or 'I have finals'.

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Other required gremlins:

a) passed out drunk/stoned next to campfire or at a bivy

More accurately, passed out IN the campfire


e) the 'bail' gremlin: kind of like the Mr T gremlin except it says things like 'It's too cold' or 'My leg hurts' or 'I have finals'.


or "Ran out of bacon, have to bail."

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speaking of anal bleeding...

there is a story of the an indian tribe in ohio that told the white men to stay off there land and after they wouldn't the caught 12 men and going through there land and killed 11 right off and the leader of the expedition was taken to a fork in the ohio river. and there they took a 6ft pole and sharpened one end then baried 3ft of the other so it was straigh up from the ground droped dudes pants and sat him on the pole. needless to say he slowly sank till the pole was in the back of his throat, it is said he lived for a little while longer after the fact. they then dressed him up like an indian and left him to be found by the next expidetion.

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