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Trask and Lambone


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What were the triggering factors for bannation? I know the reasons for banning Caveman and Adamsom, and will never agree that the banning of Dwayner was anything other than political retribution.


I have re-read several of Trask's old posts, and they did not seem too extreme, although he became progressively more excessive, and rascist with time at asc. He was eventually banned there for "provoking others" (under another avatar), asc speak for arguing too much with Gotterdamerung (don't do it).


What did Lambone do?

Edited by crazyjz
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cjz still trying to get people all crazy and riled up???? fuck dude, you need to get laid or smoke a bowl or something...


take your own medicine, dude.

How many threads have you asked to be deleted cuz you don't see them as worthy in the past week? I've come across 3 but I read about 2% of this site. jackoff.gif

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