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Have You Outlasted Your cc.com Nemesis?


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1. Trask

2. Greg W

3. Cpt. Caveman

4. Mike What's-his-name

5. Sisu

6. Dwayner

7. Fairweather

8. Scott Somebody-or-other

9. RuMR




1. Banned. Repeatedly. Eventually banned from his place of banishment.

2-8. Banned/quitters. Some repeatedly. Currently stewing in a funky broth of sour, sour grapes, simmering on a flame of unquenchable envy.

9. Not technically a nemesis, but cute and easy to rile (like a little badger!), and currently in some sort of exile.


Don't mess with Dr. Flash Amazing, folks. The historical record speaks for itself. pitty.gif

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It seems as if the majority of the embittered right wingers have dissapeared - perhaps due to a complete lack of ability to back up the current administration any more?


Oh, they're just as willing to create their own reality as the administration they slavishly follow is. You should check them out some time over at that other web forum. Motor in with a little left-wing rhetoric and watch them get on their hamster wheels and try to outrun you. Although they're usually too distracted by some rehashed "news" about Hanoi Jane, or some tired internet hoax that they think is real.


Kind of gets boring after awhile, though, since none of them are as thoroughly bookish as JayB (an as-yet un-routed nemesis madgo_ron.gif ), nor as anal as the seldom seen MtnGoat.

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