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Paintings of the mountains


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I'd love to see more mountain shots. There's an artist in Mazama who does some mountainscapes -- Steve House has some of his photos in his show. I've generally seen mountains neglected in art until I visited the Norwegian National Gallery. There were some excellent works in there. I'll try to post a few later today.


For those of us like me and you who may not be able to afford paintings, consider that your employer may be looking to buy art. Seattle has a mandate of some amount of art that needs to be purchased for a new building (or something like that), and there's always the thing about how the art is supposed to inspire us and keep us sane.

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Salad days TR: did a winter ascent of that biggest tit in March of '79; started in the dark after work on Friday and was promptly to work at 8AM the following Monday. I know from that trip to never put a frozen biner in your mouth.


"The glory of young men is their strength."


...not their intelligence.



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Nice work there, keep it up. For this crowd you're definitely going to need to focus on mountains or rock faces more.


I was at a party at an ex-CC.commer's (one of the bannernated) house a little while ago, and he had and amazing painting of El Cap spme climber/artist did (as well as one of a raven that I believe was supposed to evoke the pysche of a big wall climber). Those were some painting I would definitely buy if I could afford to.

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The painting was done by a rock climber. You could tell, because of the way the rock was painted...that the person had a connection to it. And I think he is a local guy who still climbs, because a friend offered to introduce me to him.


I don't think either of the guys you show here were climbers.

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Also check out: http://www.davidmikelsons.com/fine_art/gallery.html Click on the "mountains" tab. He's a friend of mine who was living here till a few months ago and did some nice paintings of the Olympics, Cascades, Smith Rock, etc. I was dragging him along on some easy climbs. You can't have "Last Pitch", it's already spoken for though. And he doesn't know I'm posting him here.

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The painting was done by a rock climber. You could tell, because of the way the rock was painted...that the person had a connection to it.


I don't think either of the guys you show here were climbers.

1) bollocks

2) I believe Killion climbs(ed) or at least ski mountaineers

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Nice pics Paul! thumbs_up.gif Don't mind the boulder boy... he is only fascinated by small things... seems to be a theme in his life evils3d.gif


Anybody have reqs on photo and/or painting mounting/hanging in PDX or SEA... I have some valuable pics so I wouldn't mind paying a little bit extra to ensure 50 years from now they still looks amazing. TIA!


One of my favs that most people know:



Edited by John Frieh
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The painting was done by a rock climber. You could tell, because of the way the rock was painted...that the person had a connection to it. And I think he is a local guy who still climbs, because a friend offered to introduce me to him.


The painting Olympia Climber is referring to was done by Jeff Hansel.


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