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That's what I was thinking.


It still may be a go. I had my back checked out by a Chiro today, and there is no disc damage.


I am getting a couple of adjustments (my back was WAY out), and we'll see how it feels tomorrow.


Getting old sucks. thumbs_down.gif


in some ways yes. in other ways not so much cool.gif

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I totally feel your pain dude. I'm stuck in a leg brace for the next month. It sucks cry.gif


Leg brace? What happened?


Torn MCL and meniscus.


'tis the season, I guess.


And ditto on the QUACK!


bugger, that seriously blows goats!!!


Any word on the J-Tree trip? Is the back better? If fucking sitting in the rain for the rest of the winter than someone else had better be getting in my allotment of good warm rock!

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  • 2 weeks later...

I'm glad you're doing better, MisterE. I've had a lot of back trouble, and it is a major nuisance. If you can climb .10 with a sore back, you're doing the right thing. laugh.gifthumbs_up.gif


I started having muscle spasms and pain in my back when I was getting into alpine climbing in the early 90s. It pretty much threw me off my game for mountaineering. However, I did a lot of crag climbing last summer, and was pain-free for an extended length of time for the first time since 1993. I was amazed. It must be all the stretching and use of muscle in your core that helped. It gives me hope that I can get back out to the mountains, where I want to be.


The human body is amazing, in health and injury. yoda.gif




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