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Weekend Thread


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Saturday was a catch-up day, so Sunday Suzi and I decided to go explore the area Darin mentioned in his TR.


We ran out of FS Road #38 at this point:



Checking the map, we saw that Green Creek was a goodly little ways up, so we decided to go up the angelically-named Elbow Lake Trail (really, who can resist?)


I found some burly climbing along the way:




and we all shared some of the fruits of the season (huckleberries!):




Most of the way up the trail, we stopped to admire an excellent fall view:




We ran out of energy and were yearning for a bit of refreshment about a mile before the lake, so we turned around and headed for the Northfork brewery for some rivival.


Barely making it out after:



A good day! rockband.gifbigdrink.gif

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On Thursday I did not go to Smith Rock but instead worked from home mad.gif . On Friday I again did not go to Smith Rock confused.gif, but instead I climbed R&D with Norman_Clyde - hey that was fun man! Lets get out together again sometime! On Saturday, rather than going to Smith Rock, I worked in the yard frown.gif. On Sunday, I was in Icicle Canyon, which is not Smith Rock, and I was getting spanked off an approach gully then hiking through brush to Space Aliens Stole My Face cantfocus.gif

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