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Re: Kung Fu Hustle

I liked it.

The previews I'd seen made it look like a spoof comedy. But in reality it's more of a drama with comic undertones (like The Good, The Bad, and The Ugly was). There are spoof bits but mostly it has its own gags. The special effects were great (for the genre). With these kung fu movies, it seems each new one that comes out has to top the previous one in terms of action, stunts, and effects. In this regard, the movie succeeds, although the 1 on 50 fight scenes that are so typical of the genre showed me nothing fresh.

The movie is subtitled but quite easy to follow, although at times--especially in the beginning--the plot was hard to fathom. This didn't detract from the end of the movie.

I recommend it. thumbs_up.gif

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I heard they added a romance interest to the story to make the movie sell better. I plan on watching it, but I hate how every movie has to have a love story in it...


I didn't read the book, so I wouldn't know what they changed. But you have to admit that this is a great quote (paraphrased). "Love, we don't care about love. We want to be famous! Take his brain!" yellaf.gif

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Loved "Kung Fu Hustle." I would say it was somewhat of a live action cartoon. It didn't always make sense, but that didn't really matter. One of the funnier parts was a quick little gag early on that firmly established it as an entirely different movie than "Shaolin Soccer."

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