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Closest decent snowshoe traning ground


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Originally posted by JGowans:

I have a pair of ski shoes. They're made by a dude up in Whistler and they look like mini skis with skins on the bottom with snow shoe bindings. They rock. I get to climb up anything a snowshoer can and I can also slide down or across any traverse more quickly.

So do the skins come off? Seems like they'd make the descent pretty slow. Exactly how heavy are they??? Seems like a great ice climbing approach device..ie Chair Peak, Drury Falls, Murchisons Falls, Borgeau, and lots of other stuff in Canadeh!

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No, the skins don't come off. Also, I guess the way they're configured means that I climb pretty easily and grip well but slide down too. The only bad thing about going down is how hard it is to control turning since they don't really have any edges to speak of. Also, I think they only weigh something like 5 lbs. Not heavy at all. Although, I suppose that depends what you're comparing them to. I guess you can consider that weight training.


You can wear any boots you want...If I plan to snowboard, then I'll wear soft snowboard boots. If I'm just hiking, I'll wear my leather hiking boots. No problem. The strap is like a snowboard binding in the front (a ratcheting strap) with a click strap in the back like you have to close your back pack. I've had mine now for about 18 months and they're still going strong. I've used them in BC, Cascades and even Argentina. No problem.


[ 11-25-2002, 11:41 PM: Message edited by: JGowans ]

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Originally posted by JGowans:

.....The only bad thing about going down is how hard it is to control turning since they don't really have any edges to speak of.



I hate to be the first one to tell you this but,


NEVER go down with sharp edges!


it might help if you shave first too. Could keep the turning down to a minumum [laf]



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