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rear ender


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so get this, of course this is prime example of why driving on the left lane slow is dangerous.

i was on i-5 driving back to seattle. right past camino island exit i am on the left lane stuck behind some nimrod doing about 65 mph. here comes this subaru impreza doing at least 85 (looked like about double my speed). i catch the site of this car a split second before hits me. BAAAAM, right into my trunk. onto the left shouder, off the inbnankment, spin 2 times on the wet turf, managed straighten my car and stop about 30 yards away from the highway. so here i am tottaly fucked. as i am getting my cell out to call the cops, i see that she stopped about 500 yards down the road and now she is driving off! i can't fucking believe this shit!, she just drove off.

anyway, after about 10 minutes a cop showed up, took my info. then drove off, as apperently she drove to the next exit and called state police! now why in the hell would you leave a scene of an accident you just caused.

to cut a long story short, i managed to drive my mangeled car to park and ride where i met with the cop. he gave me her ins info and told me he gave her a hefty ticket.

my neck low back and right arm hurt like fuck and i am supposed to fly to toronto tomorrow at 7 am, so don't expect any updates.

the moral of this stupid story is if the left lane was free of aslow moving vehicles none of this would happen. and i guess i managed to sell my jetta to the insurance company, since the whole trunk is about 10 inches shorter.

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hehehe, u know it's a myth now. and i am polish and way i look at it- shit happens. nobody is going to sue anybody, but i am retaining an attorney. after my last experience many years ago i am not about to get stuck with a bunch of unpaid bills.

i kind of feel pissed that she just drove off. a shitty thing to do considering she just send me onto a 70mph roller coaster on the median. yeah, people are really caring these days.....

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Mr. Bob is in for a rude surprise if he thinks his or her insurance company is going to fairly reimburse him for his car and pay for any health care he needs without his having to sue them! Let's see: Your car is totalled, so we're going to value it at half blue-book, depreciate it a little more, and then charge the "salvage fee." Didn't you know your injury coverage expires after one year, even though you still need treatment? Our expert says that if your trunk was only smashed in a foot, you can't be that hurt. Oh yes, and the arm problem? That was from climbing not from the accident. Etc. Etc. Claim denied!

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Mr. Bob is in for a rude surprise if he thinks his or her insurance company is going to fairly reimburse him for his car and pay for any health care he needs without his having to sue them! Let's see: Your car is totalled, so we're going to value it at half blue-book, depreciate it a little more, and then charge the "salvage fee." Didn't you know your injury coverage expires after one year, even though you still need treatment? Our expert says that if your trunk was only smashed in a foot, you can't be that hurt. Oh yes, and the arm problem? That was from climbing not from the accident. Etc. Etc. Claim denied!


ooo, ooo I wanna live there! No caps on malpractice claims! Your operating surgeon wasn't covered by your insurance company!

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Sorry to hear about this, but it just shows another reason why the guy with the bigger truck wins, what should have happened was the bitch would have run underneath your custom rear steel bumper with high clearance hidden hitch, this would then come to a stop just below her windsheild. Then you would get out and giver a smack upside the head with what ever appenage you choose, preferably the snake, then drove off laughing all the way.


Any ways sorry to hear about your vehicle, Theres a few older F-250's for sale in my neck of the woods, maybe yu oughtta by something alittle more hardy

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Sorry to hear about this, but it just shows another reason why the guy with the bigger truck wins, what should have happened was the bitch would have run underneath your custom rear steel bumper with high clearance hidden hitch, this would then come to a stop just below her windsheild. Then you would get out and giver a smack upside the head with what ever appenage you choose, preferably the snake, then drove off laughing all the way.


Any ways sorry to hear about your vehicle, Theres a few older F-250's for sale in my neck of the woods, maybe yu oughtta by something alittle more hardy


In ten years North America will be exactly like Mad Max or Cannonball Run. I haven't decided which.

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Sorry to hear about this, but it just shows another reason why the guy with the bigger truck wins, what should have happened was the bitch would have run underneath your custom rear steel bumper with high clearance hidden hitch, this would then come to a stop just below her windsheild. Then you would get out and giver a smack upside the head with what ever appenage you choose, preferably the snake, then drove off laughing all the way.


Any ways sorry to hear about your vehicle, Theres a few older F-250's for sale in my neck of the woods, maybe yu oughtta by something alittle more hardy


problem being unless the back of your truck has a bunch of weight in it the car, if going fast enough would go under and pick the back tires up off the ground, which at very least would cause a spin out, and due the height of your over sized truck it would probly roll a couple of times rather than just spin around once or twice like his car did.

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Nah the hidden hitch drives itself deep into the hood of the vehicle which then acts like an anchor. What you are referring to is the dreaded side impact, but then, which is better: a roll over or a peircing door strike which unless you have a very new and expensive car offers you no protection and probably a kill shot or at least a serious maiming. A roll over is doable since most of the energy is spent rolling over your car or bouncing of your large tires. Side mounted firearms to take out the oncoming vehicle would be superior but not yet available here.

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Protection armor on the side of the vehicle helps as well. If you rivet it on in managable sizes, it can be replaced in sections rather than having to melt down the vehicle and start again.


I used to think there was a 50/50 rule. 50% of drivers were nice and 50% weren't paying attention to what they were doing. Now, I believe in a 50/45/5 rule where the last 5% are actively out to kill you.

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Mr. Bob is in for a rude surprise if he thinks his or her insurance company is going to fairly reimburse him for his car and pay for any health care he needs without his having to sue them! Let's see: Your car is totalled, so we're going to value it at half blue-book, depreciate it a little more, and then charge the "salvage fee." Didn't you know your injury coverage expires after one year, even though you still need treatment? Our expert says that if your trunk was only smashed in a foot, you can't be that hurt. Oh yes, and the arm problem? That was from climbing not from the accident. Etc. Etc. Claim denied!

Matt, i did hire an attorney. actually it's beacause i didn't want to have a full time job.

lucky me- i've been dealing with PIP insurance claims for the past 6 years, so i know really well the system.

i also talked to DA from snohomish couty and there are going to be charges filed against the other driver for leaving the scene of the accident

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If it were me, I'd subpeona her cell phone records and see if she was gabbing away at the time of the accident. That may add some weight to a case of negligence, may up the award, and would certainly make a statement to other non-attentive cell phone driving pricks.

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