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Subaru sells out


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Finally! Subaru has given into the demand for useless luxury SUV's. Complete with standard heated seats, navigation systems, 10 cup holders, seating for 7, heated side mirrors, and 250 horsepower, and a color pallet including opals, and pearls. Granola yuppies rejoice!




made your url clickable - gotta keep up standards even in SPRAY. wink.gif


thanks SB, sorry. confused.gif

Edited by K_Y_L_E
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10 cups holders!

omfg; i thought maybe you were shittin' us! my car doesn't even have one. btw, i'm pretty disappointed that it doesn't give more technical specifications - like, does one of the "64 unique seating and cargo configurations" allow for comfortable sleeping during those multi-day (or multi-month) road trips while still leaving room to keep all of your gear locked safely inside the vehicle?

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Subaru "sells out"? No shit, they sell overpriced chunks of metal to rich people. What kind of high ground where you suggesting they were on to begin with?


Rich people? Considering that most of their vehicles cost about half (or less) as much as your various BMWs, Lexuses, Benzies, Hummers, etc., that would seem to be a gross overstatement. I.e. don't ball good people like DFA in with the bourgeois elite.

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Subaru "sells out"? No shit, they sell overpriced chunks of metal to rich people. What kind of high ground where you suggesting they were on to begin with?


Rich people? Considering that most of their vehicles cost about half (or less) as much as your various BMWs, Lexuses, Benzies, Hummers, etc., that would seem to be a gross overstatement. I.e. don't ball good people like DFA in with the bourgeois elite.


Yeah - because the effete boutique leftism that permeates Pearl District is about as authentic working-class as it gets. Rage against the latte'...


BTW - how many hours did you log on the factory floor in order to acquire this heightened class consciousness of yours, amigo?


I think I logged at least 1500 hours on the shop floor in college and and never managed to come across a self professed "leftist," "anti-bourgeoise activist," or, for that matter - anyone who drove or aspired to drive a Subaru in all that time. Plenty mexicans, guys that listened to metal, wore high-tops, smoked camel unfiltereds, drove impalas and F150's, drank PBR, and professed their undying hatred for the "yuppie-ass motherfuckers" they occaisionally came across - but, oddly enough, not a Chomsky quoting class warrior amongst them. Where were all of you guys hiding?

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Not sure where jayb is taking that (I'd suggest he might be pigeonholing a bit), but my point was it is remarkable how $25k is considered small potatoes for basic transportation. Think how much money that is in terms of basic, comfortable, day-to-day survival, even in a first-world country. It's amazing.


I'd consider anyone to be "pretty rich" who has the free time and energy on the weekends to traipse around the wilderness and scale vertical walls "just because". That's not a bad thing. If you have time and energy to climb, I'd say life is pretty good.

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Not sure where jayb is taking that (I'd suggest he might be pigeonholing a bit), but my point was it is remarkable how $25k is considered small potatoes for basic transportation. Think how much money that is in terms of basic, comfortable, day-to-day survival, even in a first-world country. It's amazing.


I'd consider anyone to be "pretty rich" who has the free time and energy on the weekends to traipse around the wilderness and scale vertical walls "just because". That's not a bad thing. If you have time and energy to climb, I'd say life is pretty good.



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Forget brand and yuppie factor, the real question is why so many people buy NEW cars.


Drive it off the lot and it's depreciated 10%. In 3 years, it's depreciated 40%. So buy a 3-5 year old car, and you pay half price for a ride with 75% of the lifespan remaining.


Current ride: 91 Suby wagon, bought in 2002 for $3000. I've put maybe $1500 in maintenance into the rig in 3 years. Hatchback door was smashed in a hit and run in a parking lot, insurance totaled the car and gave me $2500 (nothing wrong with the car, I put a hatch from the junkyard on it for $200 and still drive it). There's only 160k on the clock, she's good for another 40k, which should last me at least until I leave Alaska. So I've got $2000 in a car that's given me 50k miles so far and gets over 25mpg loaded down on the hwy. thumbs_up.gif


My rule: No new(used) cars until 1. Student loans are paid off and 2. Alaska is a distant memory.


The good ol Lesbaru has been from PDX to Atlanta in a virtually non-stop 54 hour solo push (Three 2 hour naps). From Atl to Miami and back, up to DC, back to ATL, then to Yos and onward to Alaska. I hope she will take me and my junk to wherever I land next.

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How many mpg do the Prius or Civic hybrid's actually get? Are they actually better than something like the Jetta TDI's?


Prius = 50mpg highway

Ford Escape Hybrid SUV = 36mpg highway


Also I think the Prius is cheaper than a Jetta...but I refer you to the websites for more info.

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