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To all the whiney bitches (almost everybody)


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Stop complaining about bouldering and my pictures.


you fuckers climb 5.8, you have to at least have some sort of credibility to bag on other people. If you don't, then shut up and stop whining and don't post negative things. There are so many people on this site that walk up my mountains with no technical climbing, not even class 3, and then you come back and diss on other peoples shit. well shut the fuck up. I don't care if you want to look at climbing pictures or not, I'm still going to post them for the few people who are intelligent.


I'm going to utah. I'm bouldering. You might walk up a mountain and call it climbing, or fall off v2 in the gym.


To the people who actually climb, have a great next week and go out and get yourself some! I'll try to get some for me as well.



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Stop complaining about bouldering and my pictures.


you fuckers climb 5.8, you have to at least have some sort of credibility to bag on other people. If you don't, then shut up and stop whining and don't post negative things. There are so many people on this site that walk up my mountains with no technical climbing, not even class 3, and then you come back and diss on other peoples shit. well shut the fuck up. I don't care if you want to look at climbing pictures or not, I'm still going to post them for the few people who are intelligent.


I'm going to utah. I'm bouldering. You might walk up a mountain and call it climbing, or fall off v2 in the gym.


To the people who actually climb, have a great next week and go out and get yourself some! I'll try to get some for me as well.




Finally reached your limit with the spew, eh luke? Right on, and well-spoken... thumbs_up.gifthumbs_up.gifthumbs_up.gifthumbs_up.gif


Have a good spring break and crank some $hit!

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Why? Who the hell cares what he climbs? He has fun. Yer such a little bitch. Why is everything about numbers? I have fun climbing 5.7 thank you very much. Climbing isn't everything kiddo. I just like being outside and I do lots of outdoor activities. No-one has to prove themselves to you by climbing hard.

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not about numbers, and I'm not talking about fun, I'm talking about you being an asshole to people because you think their form of climbing is stupid, or you think you are better than them. It's about respect man. adios! smoke some of the good canadian shit for me while I'm gone hahaha.gif

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you fuckers climb 5.8, you have to at least have some sort of credibility to bag on other people.

distel, i love you ... but this wasn't a very nice thing for you to say. just because someone can't or doesn't climb hard doesn't mean they don't have any credibility. those inconsiderate fuckers who are bitching about your pictures and dissing on bouldering in general are really just assholes - regardless of what or how hard or even if they climb. you go, boulder boy wonder - climb hard and show us how it's done and how much fun you're having! thumbs_up.gif

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To the people who actually climb, have a great next week and go out and get yourself some! I'll try to get some for me as well.




you go, wonderboy! go get some!


of course whatever you do will never amount to half of what i have done but who is counting? the_finger.gif


older man hahaha.gif

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I want to point out that there are good climbers that love to climb that will never climb 5.13. I am one of those climbers. to me climbing is fun, and I want it to stay that way. I am sorry that people were fucking with you. but don't take that out on the weak climbers, take it out on the ass holes wink.gif

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Luke, I respect your enthusiam and often enjoy your photos. However, your argument above is flawed. Some of the 'whiney bitches' climb gnarly stuff that you couldn't touch. No, maybe not v10 in the gym, but rather in the mountains. (Example? SpecialEd) After four years of sport and gym climbing I was climbing 5.12 sport and v5 plastic. I've moved away from that, and am weak as far as forearms go. I don't have the time to do everything, I've been focusing on different aspects of climbing instead (and skiing), not to mention school. I might be 'weaker' but I'm happy with what I'm doing right now. I admire people who crank in all diciplines, and as such climbing is not just wrestling pebbles for me.


You tell people to respect what you enjoy, so respect what I enjoy. It comes down to how you define 'good climber'. Don't be so narrow minded as others here are. But don't tell people that because they don't boulder at your level they can't voice their opinion, that's bullshit. Rudy is very accomplished in a narrow discipline, as are you. But that doesn't put you on a pedastal.


You ARE being narrow minded in that the only way you see climbing is in sport, trad, or bouldering. People can legitimately call you a pathetic climber because you haven't done any alpine routes, hard ice, mixed, etc, just like you're calling them pathetic climbers for not being able to send V7. There's way more out there, and it's pretty damn cool, too! So quit being so self righteous lest you become a negative spraylord yourself. I guess what really chafes me is your idea that anyone who doesn't boulder hard isn't a good climber.


I'm going skiing tomorrow in my quest of becoming a decent backcountry skier. I'll be heading over to Smith later this week to tax my flabby forearms a bit. Have fun in Utah. Cuz that's what it should be about.

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I climb, I have fun, therefore I rockband.gif


All the whiney beyotches can eat it HCL.gif


I don't really distinguish amongst types of climbing. I've tried them all, and have had fun, even if I am not as good at some braches as others. That's not to say that I am spectacular at any type of climbing.


I have sent hard (for me) boulder problems.

I have popped a piece aiding.

I have overnighted high on an alpine route.

I have led multipitch trad.

I have played the scratchy game.

I have used an ice axe to stop an unplanned slide.

I have spent sunny days with Prana babes lolling at the base of a crag. cool.gif

I have hiked three days to climb a third class peak.

I have TR'ed a climb to death, and I've soloed.

I have made FA's, trad and sporto.

I have scrambled beautiful high alpine ridges.

I have thrown a tantrum on a sport route. cry.gif

I have felt the relief of a good ice screw when in the ground fall zone.

I have climbed at Smiffy in August, and Squishy in January.


To me it's all climbing, and I don't care how hard it was in the end.


Looking at my list, there's still lots to do... Hmmm better get the guidebooks out. fruit.gif

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