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ryland_moore said:

I am being sarcastic, but have had a GF on and off for 3 yrs. The main thing we fight about is me leaving every weekend to go climbing. Or it is hunting in the late Fall, and fishing in the Spring, and then climbing in between hunting and fishing weekends. I just do not enjoy going shopping, or picnicing, or taking walks, or having lazy days. She tells me that, " If you stay at home on a sunny day, you feel like you have wasted that day, when instead you should just be happy that you arer spending the day with me." Are all women like this? Am I being too selfish? Or are we just really different?


"On and off"? She's using manipulative phrases to get you to do these things? Dude, uh, maybe you should re-think what you are about to do. Granted, it might be a good idea to find a common interest that you could share on some interval, but don't buy into the "you should be happy to spend you day with me" bullshit. It sounds like she doesn't understand boundaries and what Kitten mentioned about guys needing time to be out and be guys and shit. Have a good, long talk with your babe...and keep that ring at the back of your sock drawer until you do.

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I think it's funny how the young, single guys/girls get on a soapbox about "if your SO has a problem with it, it's a lack of trust" when it comes to going on overnights with the opposite sex. Bullshit---come back and tell us about how you treat this subject ten years from now, when you are married with a couple of kids.

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Greg_W said:

ChrisT said:

I don't believe in the concept of "forever". Much nicer to love many people throughout one's lifetime.


It sounds like you are advocating serial monogamy. Yes?


the term sounds a little new agey...but I don't think love is absolute. It grows and changes just like people do. Face it - marriage is a MAN made institution and a little out moded today.

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RobBob said:

I think it's funny how the young, single guys/girls get on a soapbox about "if your SO has a problem with it, it's a lack of trust" when it comes to going on overnights with the opposite sex. Bullshit---come back and tell us about how you treat this subject ten years from now, when you are married with a couple of kids.


I'm married and have a kid and the overnight climbing trips with female friends is no issue. I've done some longer climbs and traverses and been out for ten days with female and male friends in the party. It's not a big deal - we're friends and that's it. Everyone is an adult.

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ChrisT said:

Greg_W said:

ChrisT said:

I don't believe in the concept of "forever". Much nicer to love many people throughout one's lifetime.


It sounds like you are advocating serial monogamy. Yes?


the term sounds a little new agey...but I don't think love is absolute. It grows and changes just like people do. Face it - marriage is a MAN made institution and a little out moded today.

true, but it can work for some people. You just have to be clear about your intentions
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Why aren't you fighting fires? They just brought in some hotshot wankers from LA.


Had to bite the bullet and stay in Eugene to learn to fly. After eight seasons it feels a little wierd. I do miss it and thinkin about going back next year cuz you know what they say-YOU WANT WHAT YOU CAN'T HAVE!


What am I complaining about? I just flew over the cascades by myself for the first time last week!


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I'm married and have a kid and the overnight climbing trips with female friends is no issue. I've done some longer climbs and traverses and been out for ten days with female and male friends in the party. It's not a big deal - we're friends and that's it. Everyone is an adult.


If you look earlier in the thread you will see that I said if they were mutual friends it might be different. But the "honey, I'm going climbing with Missy Pussinboots this weekend" would not be good news to most wives (vice-versa for husbands).

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Much nicer to love many people throughout one's lifetime.


Words to live by--well, for me anyway..


I love to be single and just play the field. I got three courting me right now...Good thing they don't live in Eugene!


Marriage is too permenent and I know myself well enough that I wouldn't be true to the things that are important to me cuz of time constraints and the fact that flyin IS better than SEX! I might change my attitude towards committment someday if I meet the right person (tall order) but for now I am having fun, doing different things, and meeting new people. Of course I am living it up in my 20s. Those of you that can make your dreams/passions and a family work together-Kudos!

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Some are mutual friends, others are simply women I've been friends with for a while and a good climbing partners. My wife has some friends that are male; they're her friends not mine, but I know them. I don't get the fear thing about having friends of the opposite sex if you're married. If you have a good relationship and trust one another you don't have to cloister yourself.

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i think the most beautiful thing about marriage is that on your honeymoon is the night you get to consumate your love to that one special person and baby jesus.


i know that when i gert married all my expectations of it will be fullfilled with joyful bliss!!


by the way does anyone have any beta for "it" i just want to brush up on somethings!!



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Greg_W said:

ryland_moore said:

I am being sarcastic, but have had a GF on and off for 3 yrs. The main thing we fight about is me leaving every weekend to go climbing. Or it is hunting in the late Fall, and fishing in the Spring, and then climbing in between hunting and fishing weekends. I just do not enjoy going shopping, or picnicing, or taking walks, or having lazy days. She tells me that, " If you stay at home on a sunny day, you feel like you have wasted that day, when instead you should just be happy that you arer spending the day with me." Are all women like this? Am I being too selfish? Or are we just really different?


"On and off"? She's using manipulative phrases to get you to do these things? Dude, uh, maybe you should re-think what you are about to do. Granted, it might be a good idea to find a common interest that you could share on some interval, but don't buy into the "you should be happy to spend you day with me" bullshit. It sounds like she doesn't understand boundaries and what Kitten mentioned about guys needing time to be out and be guys and shit. Have a good, long talk with your babe...and keep that ring at the back of your sock drawer until you do.


I agree with Greg on this one Ryland, well for the most part any ways... Its all about compromise, I spend 80% of my after work and weekend time with the bros doin the same thing huntin, fishin, climbin, hikin, golfin, what ever. the wife gets to do her own thing, everyones happy... on our days of spending the whole day together, half of the time we do her thing, and half the time we do mine. We go out and have ourselves a nice little sun day at home depot, and maybe if we get time we cruse on over to bed, bath, and beyond; Why? Cause it makes her happy... And cause it makes me happy when she raps the water falls with me or goes backpacking for the weekend...

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erik said:

i think the most beautiful thing about marriage is that on your honeymoon is the night you get to consumate your love to that one special person and baby jesus.


i know that when i gert married all my expectations of it will be fullfilled with joyful bliss!!


by the way does anyone have any beta for "it" i just want to brush up on somethings!!


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erik said:

by the way does anyone have any beta for "it" i just want to brush up on somethings!!



Insert tab 'a' into slot 'b', repeat as necessary. When it feels right, try and talk her into inserting said tab 'a' into slot 'c', for some variation. Good luck. thumbs_up.gif

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