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Best "Litter" found in the Mtns


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Heh, I left a small bag of weed on the trail. It was really gnarly shit; been cut with some rat poisen or some damn thing. I brought it to the woods to get rid of it before some sorry bastard tried smoking it. Anyway, it fell outta my pack. If you see it, pour it out...it'll definately mess with your genes and sperm count and shit.

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My personal favorite when it comes to "litter" in the mountains is all the wonderful "trash" you find dumpster diving in crevasses on Rainier. I have gathered at least $5000 worth of gear on the mountain. Most of it still had the price tags on it. I have even talked to some of the folks who owned the stuff who said, "fuck it..I ain't going down there to get it." Sometimes when you get their stuff for them, all they want is the car keys cause they don't want to carry it down...or it has a small repairable rip.

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Has anyone else gone to a ski resort after the melt? You find the coolest stuff that people los in the snow. My buds and I found a ski, sunglasses, parts to ski boots, Avalanche warning signs, "slow" signs, and other miscallaneous junk strewn across the runs.

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2 wild country friends equalized with two hotwires and a new spectra runner and a locking biner on Green Dragon in the big flake on p2.

"Gee, rather than spend 30 minutes or less downaiding, or finishing the pitch, think I'll leave 120 dollars worth of gear right here..."

Maybe they had an epic or injury? Either way, it was a bountiful harvest for me and my partner.

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On our Mt Challanger traverse last summer we were bushwacking off the Challanger Arm down a steep slope towards the Big Beaver trail. We stopped to get oriented under a small cliff and we noticed this contraption 1/2 buried in the ground. We excavated it and it stymied us for a brief moment. Something to do with mining came to us first, but closer examination revealed it was an ancient bear trap. It was all wrapped up in old leather straps and it looked as if it was torn off some trappers pack and fell there. It looked like it had been there 80 years! Unfortunately the thing weighed about 7 pounds and I wasn't inclined to carry it for a day and 1/2. Now I wish I had, because it was pretty cool and came with a good story. But I also like that someone might stumble across it again in the next 100 years. Long live the outdoor museum! It was a seriously rugged and remote place and it was fun to think about some trapper wondering around out there in the early 1900's trying to get a bear!

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Not really litter or booty but on Mt Si in December I hiked up and started bouldering on the face directly under the summit. I went up a crack about 10 feet to a little ledge. On the ledge under the rock somebody made a Summit register in a tupperware container. There was also another wooded box with some ash in it. In he tupperware container was a frozen cliff bar, notepad and a playstation game. The notepad went on about the idiot that put the CD game in the container and kept asking about the ash. It was a good read for about 15 minutes. Added my 2 cents and I think my friend added a GU packet or something.

I also found a small radio at stevens pass on a ski run.

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Killing time one afternoon at the base of the NW face of Half Dome I was rummaging through stuff climbers had abandoned or dropped and found $78 in a pack along with airline ticket stubs originating from Spain. After finishing the regular route the next day we hiked down to the valley and celebrated our climb on somebody elses money. OK, that was'nt a ski resort, how about the time we skied up to the Tooth, did our climb and when we got back to our packs finding the stem of a pair of Vuarnet's sticking up out of the snow?

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Not exactly human litter, but about 30 feet shy of the summit of Middle Sister, OR we found a dead opposum. No clue as to why it was there or how it got here. Maybe it was headed for the Ritz crackers glued to the rocks at the summit. [Wazzup] with that

[ 01-20-2002: Message edited by: Dan Harris ]

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paddy sherman talks about the suitcase in "cloud walkers" and he claims that it is an urban legend. apparently, the rumor got into the newspaper, and the efforts at body recovery/identification were screwed up by the hundreds of gapers from vancouver who showed up and started carting away airplane parts, body parts, anything that looked interesting.

but i like the idea of finding a suitcase full of cash "cliffhanger" style out in the woods.

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