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I am completely out of it! cantfocus.gif Didn't catch this until just today. tongue.gif Hope you feel better to enjoy some good bigdrink.gif on the 4th of July. Good to know you are all smart & safe enough to save the mountain! yellaf.gif

rat said:

Dru said:

On the 7th pitch it is Szy's block starting and he heads out on a 10c pitch. Now its his 1st time ever climbing on limestone and after a couple of meters he decides to head back to the belay.


you guys let ben take the hard block of pitches when he'd never climbed limestone before? that's fucking hilarious in more ways than one.

fuk u rat the hilarious part is my premonition that the roc would never hold a belay much less me...all i did was touch the tcu while standing on the one of the bolts of the belay anchor and boom next thing we knew many sharp softball sized projectiles were flying in our face.

fortunately we all had helmets and the the double ropes.

that pOs is rotting bullshit up there yet the rest of the climb was fun. and that pictch was my second lead on limestone as i led the thin 5.9 slab sixth pitch...i see why it took soo many years for some idiot to blast there way up the headwall...and now i see why europe bolts so many pOs limestone cracks. btw- the reason only one helmet was hit on the retreat effort is cuz i am so good at playing dodge ball with flying rocks...sheesh dru you almost killed me a few times on the second rap....

Erik- at least i pay rent you freeloading nazi dick. wazzup.gif

and iam not on wellfare... i actually saved money for once in my life cantfocus.gifhahaha.gif

bigdrink.gif wow- iam fat. thanks for nothing you fricken john dunne wannabe.

bigdrink.gif why is beer so yummy? bigdrink.gifbigdrink.gif



Congrats on still being alive, bigdrink.gif, paying rent, and whatnot... maybe a few less man-tit TR pics in the future, but hey, guess the ladies of CC.com had it coming after that (botched) attempt to get them all to post their (topless) climbing pics thread...

If you guys ever head down to Darrington looking for danger, try Exfoliation Dome, or near the top of Dreamer where a couple nice frig size kickers appear to have trundled...

rockband.gifrockband.gifrockband.gif on...


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