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With the proliferation of retro-bolters these days rebolting and putting up new safer lines I propose the development of a new organization to steady the tide of safe climbing. After all, think about how well have to change all the guidebooks in a few year's by having to take out the mandatory first page (Rock climbing is inherently dangerous. . . blah blah blah)' Lets make climbing scary again!


I am currently working with the International Snafflehound Society board of trustees to develop this new organization. I haven't come up with a suitable name yet but the general idea is to go and chop bolts on reasonably bolted routes. We could start with the chopping the 3rd bolt making the clip on the 1st, 2nd, and 4th bolts a possible deck potential. Then we could move on to anchors. Chopping the beefy anchors and maybe putting in a star-bolt. Of course there would be the total choppage of stupidly bolted routes too.


If any of you have any rusty pitons, old star-bolts, homemade angle iron anchor setups please contact me. We are also looking for a representative for the WA area. All inquirys are welcome. Tell us what you think!

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Make sure to add some of those homemade-angle-aluminum-meathook bolt hangars to those star-dryvin 1/4 inchers.


Also, remove the nut and strip the threads off some1/4 inchers and angle them downward for those spicy stopper-looping clips.



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I have a first project for you. It seems the 5.8 test peice I was going to work on this summer has been retrobolted mad.gif Now if I make it it just wont be as sweet, or the acomplishement that I was hoping for. I want it back the way it was when I stood at the bottom and my knees shook last season. madgo_ron.gif

Edited by Muffy_The_Wanker_Sprayer
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Muffy_The_Wanker_Sprayer said:

I have a first project for you. It seems the 5.8 test peice I was going to work on this summer has been retrobolted mad.gif Now if I make it it just wont be as sweet, or the acomplishement that I was hoping for. I want it back the way it was when I stood at the bottom and my knees shook last season. madgo_ron.gif

How about some background beta: where, established crack?

I have seen very few truly reto bolted cracks, if so I would chop it my self.

If you chop, do it right and do it clean or you will be no better than the retrobolter.

Don't forget a chicken bolt is just as needed on a unprotectable 5.8 as a 5.11 /5.12 test peice it all depends on whos route it is and your comfort level.


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Since your looking for a troll, and trying to get people fired up, Why don't you call yourshelfs climbers who can't let it go. I agree there are routes that are over bolted, but I don't have to clip everyone if I don't want to. There has been some good talk here in other post on this, that could help, this will not.

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spew said:

Muffy_The_Wanker_Sprayer said:

I have a first project for you. It seems the 5.8 test peice I was going to work on this summer has been retrobolted mad.gif Now if I make it it just wont be as sweet, or the acomplishement that I was hoping for. I want it back the way it was when I stood at the bottom and my knees shook last season. madgo_ron.gif

How about some background beta: where, established crack?

I have seen very few truly reto bolted cracks, if so I would chop it my self.

If you chop, do it right and do it clean or you will be no better than the retrobolter.

Don't forget a chicken bolt is just as needed on a unprotectable 5.8 as a 5.11 /5.12 test peice it all depends on whos route it is and your comfort level.



It is not a crack. It is a face climb. I am unsure as to if the rumers are true, but I have heard that Hydrotube at Flagstone has had bolts added over the off season. It was a spicey slab climb, and I looked forword to testing myself on it. Again, I am unsure as to weather this is true. I am heading on Sunday and will take a look and report back. Here is my deal. There are quite a few climbs at flagstone. It is realy a beautiful place. I have met the Fralick brothers who did alot of the route setting out there. They did so with vission, and forsight. The climbs (although I am not good enough to climb most of them) are well thought out and asthetic in my never humble oppinion. wink.gif To add bolts to a well established route that is a wonderful example of what slab climbing should be, well I think that is yucky. In the guide book it sugests a #2 friend to protect the run out bottom. That is enough info. Climbing is hard. It is suposed to be hard, challenging, even life thretening.


again, this could alll be rumer, I will let you know... sorry for the rant blush.gif

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