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b-rock said:

skanky two dollar gigalos don't count man.

she was a fine lady. i banged her for a few years. now shes married and lives in germany. guess im just lucky i avoided the ball and chain.

minx said:

in her ear? why? practice your aim or what?


For the longest time she didn't want to give head so I just jerked off and shot it in her ear (preferlably while she was sleeping)... a coulpe times of that, and she came around really quick... We didn't have a great relationship to say the least... my earlyer days of immaturety, now i'm in my mid-years of immaturety so i wank it on the boob...


JGowans said:

I'd like to officially start the MHMC (Mile High Masturbation Club). Guilty as charged Ms. Air Hostess lady. ooh err.


i am the vice president.... i have logged over 47 hours in lavatories over 37 countries... cool.gif


oddest place?


in your burger when i was workin short order cook at Zeke's last summer


did ya like my special sauce?

kitten said:

gapertimmy said:



Have you ever walked in on someone? wave.gif


A buddy of mine that went to the airforce acadamy told me a story about his roomate and what happened to him...Apparantly the guy was a squad leader and one of his female underclass cadets came to talk to him about some demerits she'd gotten for something or other and he was in the midst of "doin' his thing"...Of course she runs off down the hall...

His response: He runs out into the hall sans drawers and pants and says "Hey, come back here...i was just thinking about you!!!"




Still crax me up to this day...


Walk in on a roomate in the bath room... I didn't think any one was home, wake up hed to the pisser... roommate was trying to be really quiet as not to wake me with sounds of wanking it... I open the door and see her sittin' on the pot with legs up on the towel rack and goin' at it... both of us couldn't look each other in the face with out turning bright red for at least a month... we never told either of our partners about it, just kind kept that one on the downlow...


Me and my girl friend lived with her and her girl friend... uuuuuu... kinda okward situation to see her like that, I just was dumbfounded, couldn't move or turn away, just stare... she is full blown furr traider, she once told me wile i was flerting with her "I don't do dick, now piss off."... apperently she does dilldo though... yellaf.gif

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