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PLC said:

School is easy, easy, easy, easy - when I was in school I went climbing 3 days a week, played basketball every day, had plenty of time for hanging out - I mean your in class for a couple hours a day, max, and the rest of the time is yours.


Not true for me.

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cracked said:

PLC said:

School is easy, easy, easy, easy - when I was in school I went climbing 3 days a week, played basketball every day, had plenty of time for hanging out - I mean your in class for a couple hours a day, max, and the rest of the time is yours.


Not true for me.

Just waiting to hear the song you'll be singing when you wake up!!

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cracked, just do everything in your power to get into a field that you're really interested in. for instance: you like to climb; why not try to get involved with the marketing end of a climbing company, or as a tester or some funky shiznit that you enjoy and pays the bills. it took me awhile to find the right thing for me, but it's really worth it not to wake up in the morning and say, "oh fuck!!! i gotta go to work."



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A few years ago I read two seperate reports published within days of each other. The first was a report by the Labor Department listing the best and worst jobs in America, based on objective measures like pay scale and injury rates. The second was a subjective survey of job satisfaction.


The funny thing was that the lists were nearly perfectly inverted. It seems that what makes people really love a job is exactly NOT what the government thinks we want in a job. The jobs with the highest satisfaction were all low pay, high risk, high physical labor jobs - things like cowboy, fire fighter, lumberjack, etc.


The high paying office jobs that we all go to college for are really just soul-robbing nightmares.

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cracked said:

Seems like most people hate their jobs. I'm glad I have so much to look forward to. cry.gifcry.gif


Just don't get a shitty job at some lame-ass big corporation. Seriously; working for a small company with actual humans who aren't marionettes at the mercy of every tug of the red tape, where they actually care about their employees and understand that life exists beyond the office walls ... this is what you need.

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PLC said:

A few years ago I read two seperate reports published within days of each other. The first was a report by the Labor Department listing the best and worst jobs in America, based on objective measures like pay scale and injury rates. The second was a subjective survey of job satisfaction.


The funny thing was that the lists were nearly perfectly inverted. It seems that what makes people really love a job is exactly NOT what the government thinks we want in a job. The jobs with the highest satisfaction were all low pay, high risk, high physical labor jobs - things like cowboy, fire fighter, lumberjack, etc.


The high paying office jobs that we all go to college for are really just soul-robbing nightmares.


That's so true. There was an article in some mainstream newszine like Newsweak that listed best jobs and worst jobs. All the "worst jobs" were the best ones, like carpenter, firefighter, or ski patroller. Their criteria was sooo skewed. Like if a job was dangerous and you "had" to be outside, it would be a "bad" job. Ha! yellaf.gif

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It's not that I don't like what I do, I just don't like my current job. Unfortunately, with this economy, finding another one either takes a lot of luck, or a lot of time and effort. I'm too busy getting outside whenever I'm not working to look for another job right now... frown.gif

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the funny thing is the people bitchin about school are both still in highschool yellaf.gif, i'll admit hs was pretty boring, but college involes way more time and work.

but i still wouldn't want to go back to a full time job. cause esentually i can choose to go to class when ever and as long as i pass the exams its all good

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Last I heard, college was not mandatory. I think you've got a little tunnel-vision like in the other thread you started. Take a look around, see if there are better options than going to college. If so, drop out and take the better route. If not, then stay in school and count your blessings.


You're Welcome.

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