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Bring it on, punk.


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JayB said:

I love guys like this. No better tactic than violence to completely alienate the general public, discredit your cause, and permanently marginalize your movement.


Case in Point: Timothy McVay and the Militia movement.


Ah, yes, the gleaming double-standard: for a government that feels it is not making headway through peaceful channels, war (i.e. violence) is a perfectly acceptable alternative. War is hell, sure, and we don't want to do it, but it's for a good cause. However, if you've got beef with the government, best to just sit quietly and hope the police don't break any bones when they come in swinging their batons to send you home from your peaceful protest.


You right-wingers oughta be proud of such a hardcore leftist for having the balls to suggest that violence might just be the answer. You happily shit-talk the peaceniks for not having the "courage" to actually do something, you bitch about them "whining" and tying up traffic. Well, now some of them are ready to go after it on your terms, with your cherished tactics.


Bad boys, bad boys, whatcha gonna do, whatcha gonna do when they come for you? Bad boys, bad boys ...



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Skimming this article was kind of hilarious. This kind of half-logic is suck.


"...by itself, nonviolent protest in America has never worked to change government policy, not during the civil rights movement and not during the Vietnam War"


Fuck, it could be the other way around and violent protest wouldn't have worked without the nonviolent protest. His "experiment" has no control. He has two potential causes and one effect so he picks the cause that HE thinks did the job.... i.e. violence. He may very well be right, but he's only convincing stupid people that he is.



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Actually Fairweather, I bet that if by "you lefties" you mean those who have debated the merits of the war, or who have argued for gun control, or whatever, I bet few of us are very familiar with this guy and very few of us would agree with his game plan.

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Yup, what mattp said. Though in the funny small world we live in, I bet I'm only two degrees of separation away from him, since my wife goes to Art School in Portland with a guy who I think might be a house mate with this guy.


I don't think violent revolution is a viable path to change in this country. It didn't work for the Black Panthers, and I sure wouldn't want this country to resemble Algeria, either in the time period he references or the current era.

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mattp said:

Actually Fairweather, I bet that if by "you lefties" you mean those who have debated the merits of the war, or who have argued for gun control, or whatever, I bet few of us are very familiar with this guy and very few of us would agree with his game plan.




The "you lefties" comment was directed at a few individuals that post here on CC.com who have expressed solidarity (to one degree or another) with ELF, either directly, or with the expressed desire to "do some monkeywrenchin'" when a public/environmental issue was not falling their way. I never tried to connect these folks with the anti-war crowd. You are making that assumption.




You are right to a certain degree. Part of me hopes this Rosebrough guy lives up to his threats of (more) violence. That may be what it takes to demonstrate the bankruptcy of his ideals, and might be what is required to bring about a well-earned public (and police) backlash. Hence, the "bring it on" title of this post.





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Craig Rosebraugh is a hypocrite. He uses the very means he despises about what our government is doing in terms of foreign policy as a method to make his point. I always discount idiots like this. It's like people who drive gas guzzler SUVs and then complain about corporations polluting the environment. Or people who are vegetarians because of their stance on cruelty to living animals but would not hesitate to buy a car with leather seats.


Martin Luther King and Muhatma Gandhi had it right. Rosebraugh is just a man hoping for martyrdom. If you're that far to the left, you might as well leave the country and go live in Iran, Iraq, the West Bank or wherever else pleases your convictions about the American government. Maybe France or some other highly liberal country. He'll soon realize it's the same old crap everywhere he goes. And, upon his old age (if he ever gets there), he will come to realize that the problem lies within himself not without.


He's also selfish, but I won't even begin to go there.

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Dr_Flash_Amazing said:

Trask, you are fat and old. No more from you unless you are called upon, and even then, please keep it brief, and free of your usual sophomoric outpourings of obscenity and crass remarks.


Thanks, fella! wave.gif

FDA, I'm spending the weekend with some friends on the boat, two of which were recent Seattle Seahawk cheerleaders. Hope you have a fun weekend too wave.gif

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