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Posted by Sven Thirenrenventhenson on April 07, 19103 at 22:10:31:


I am a very expierenced climber of 1.5 years now. Have done close to 25 routes over the grade of 5.7 but under the 5.7d grade. I climb with the Mazamas and feel these people represent some of the most expierenced and skilled climbers at the crag. Many of the group leaders have climbed for many years and are so good at climbing that they have gear that shows no wear. I have never felt afraid that I might be led astray by any one in a group outting. We deserve to have our pick of routes in the park because we are the Mazamas. The name speaks for it's self. Our club is in fine standing with the park management and if they felt that we were "hogging" climbs they would stop us. Because they seem glad to see us when we arrive we can only conclude that they approve of the conduct of our group. Many of our group members are older and much wiser than younger climbers that only care about hard routes. We deserve respect for that reason alone. It would only make sense to just move on to climb at another area if we are already set up because we do not want to have to haule any injured young climbers out of the park. Our slow and methodicale approch is how things should be done and the young rad guys could learn a lesson if they would just lighten up and come over and observe.


Mazamas rule!




Is this guy fucking joking me... WTF

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Big groups do suck. Having said that though, I'm in the Mounties and invariably part of a big group. Even though it sucks to 1.) be part of that big group, or 2.) Encounter that Big Group, I have learned quite a bit already just being in their classes.

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But who the hell is this guy?


"Posted by JayBee on April 09, 19103 at 12:21:39:


In Reply to: HONESTLY , WHO IS THE HELL ARE THE MAZAMAS? posted by SLC Gymrat on April 08, 19103 at 18:58:32:


Yes, Portland. The only time I've had a problem is when they have big outings in an alpine setting. All this Smith whining pisses me off, all you f-ing pansies just have to start climbing harder if you don't being around larger groups. We're all out there to have a good time. It's the goddamn land of bolts people! "


I just hope he never joins cc.com and starts posing as me at Pub Clubs....






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sketchfest said:

Hey Iain, didn't you read, the mighty DFA has given up bolts and is now looking to be the trad master he always wanted to be.

yeah and it will be f'ing hilarious when he starts sending stuff the trad elite around here flail on between their constant tearings into sport climbing.
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iain said:

sketchfest said:

Hey Iain, didn't you read, the mighty DFA has given up bolts and is now looking to be the trad master he always wanted to be.

yeah and it will be f'ing hilarious when he starts sending stuff the trad elite around here flail on between their constant tearings into sport climbing.




See you at the crags, boys. wave.gif

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Dr_Flash_Amazing said:

iain said:

sketchfest said:

Hey Iain, didn't you read, the mighty DFA has given up bolts and is now looking to be the trad master he always wanted to be.

yeah and it will be f'ing hilarious when he starts sending stuff the trad elite around here flail on between their constant tearings into sport climbing.




See you at the crags, boys. wave.gif


I'm sure if it involves a five minute walk from the car on nice clean rock with all the holds pre-chalked he'll tear it up.


5.10 mossy choss offwidth... probably not.

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