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SARS is coming


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Canada Public Announcement


Office of the Spokesman



March 28, 2003


This Public Announcement is being issued to alert U.S. citizens to the

declaration of a Provincial health emergency in Ontario, Canada. This

Announcement expires on

June 26, 2003.


On March 26, the Government of Ontario declared Severe Acute Respiratory

Syndrome (SARS) to be a provincial emergency. The declaration follows


deaths of three individuals from SARS and the apparent manifestations of


disease in more than 50 individuals across the province. Canada is

attempting to limit the spread of the outbreak by screening all


at airports for SARS symptoms. Health Canada sent staff to Pearson and

Vancouver International Airports to help monitor passengers arriving on

direct flights from affected areas for flu-like symptoms and to assist


who appear to be ill. Two major hospitals have been closed or restricted


the past 24-48 hours; other hospitals may also be affected. Ontario

hospitals are operating under severe measures such as limiting

access,restricting patient transfers between hospitals and requesting


those at risk of developing SARS place themselves under voluntary


in their homes.


Detailed information on SARS is available from the Centers for Disease

Control, http://www.cdc.gov, the World Health Organization

<http://www.who.int> and the Canadian Health Organization,

http://www.health.gov.on.cal>. A Fact Sheet for American citizens


abroad based on information from those websites is also available at the

website of the Department of State's Bureau of Consular Affairs,

http://travel.state.gov. Information from Health Canada is available at

www.hc-sc.qc.ca. For further information on travel to Canada, please

consult the Department of State's Consular Information Sheet, available


the Bureau of Consular Affairs home page at http://www.travel.state.gov.


U.S. Embassy is located in Ottawa, Canada at

490 Sussex Drive, Ottawa, Ontario K1N 1G8, telephone (613)238-5335;


at http://usembassy.state.gov/canada.



See http://travel.state.gov/travel_warnings.html for

State Department Travel Warnings


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This is some ugly shit. My guess is that it will over take THE WAR for the top spot in the headlines by next week, with thousands of cases across Asia, and hundreds in North America. Super virus on its way to your home soon.


Start digging those shallow graves for your dearly departed loved ones, the garbage trucks will be too full to pick them up at the curb.



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RobBob, this virus is similar to the cold virus, for which no one has ever been able to develop an effective remedy. Get used to the idea that THERE IS NO CURE.


This should be Necros job: Ring, Ring, Ring, Bring out your dead, Bring out your dead...Ring, Ring, Ring...

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Like I said in the other post. Basically when your time has come up its up. I believe that because of all the nasty shit that I have lived thru. Bad ass shit and lived. One of these days I'll come to the part in my time card that says, "Its time to go and that will be it". No matter what the docs do, that will be it. SARS is just another tool to achieve the end for some people and their span on earth. My granddaughter died last year during delivery. It was tough but it was meant to be. There was no mistake by the docs or bad care of the mom.

Maybe SARS is the answer to all the bad feeling in the world. Kill off 50% or more of the population and we might not be worring about anthing else except survival.

No answers here. Just confusion.

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sisu_suomi said:

Like I said in the other post. Basically when your time has come up its up. I believe that because of all the nasty shit that I have lived thru. Bad ass shit and lived. One of these days I'll come to the part in my time card that says, "Its time to go and that will be it". No matter what the docs do, that will be it. SARS is just another tool to achieve the end for some people and their span on earth. My granddaughter died last year during delivery. It was tough but it was meant to be. There was no mistake by the docs or bad care of the mom.

Maybe SARS is the answer to all the bad feeling in the world. Kill off 50% or more of the population and we might not be worring about anthing else except survival.

No answers here. Just confusion.


verry True... nothing we can do but the best we can do. And be thankful for every moment we have to do it in.

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Some people dont like to accept that there are still plenty of things beyond the control of humanity and technology. Life (and the planet) have a way of equalizing things. Considering how interconnected the world is these days diseases don't stay in one place for long.

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We should do all the things we are told to do to avoid colds. That is excercise, get enough sleep, stop smoking, good nutrition, etc.


There is a treatment for colds called peconaril, but it is only effective against picornaviruses and enteroviruses. I don't thing it will work on coronaviruses.


I have found zinc lozenges to be effective to reduce the duration and symptoms of colds. Perhaps not all would agree, but that is my belief. Some studies have said yea, whilst others have said nay.

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catbirdseat said:

I have found zinc lozenges to be effective to reduce the duration and symptoms of colds. Perhaps not all would agree, but that is my belief. Some studies have said yea, whilst others have said nay.


I too, have found this. I'm not sure if it could be a placebo effect, but I tend to belive not. On the other hand, I believe crap like echanacia, etc. is pure BS.

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Notice that globally only about 60 have died from SARS. Thousands have it. Fatality rate is therefore about 3%. I'm not too worried. It isnt the next flu pandemic by a long shot.


Hell, the USA and Britain are killing way more than 60 a day right now.

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Dru said:

Notice that globally only about 60 have died from SARS. Thousands have it. Fatality rate is therefore about 3%. I'm not too worried. It isnt the next flu pandemic by a long shot.


Hell, the USA and Britain are killing way more than 60 a day right now.


It's just a new way to get sick. Hell the regular flu kills lots of people.

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it is real contagious though, thats the problem with it.


every time i hear SARS i think its "Search and Rescue Syndrome" making you don a helmet and bumble around in the woods looking for a "lost Climber" who is actually drinking in the pub not realizing he's "lost" boxing_smiley.gif

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It's not the 3% death rate that makes SARS so threatening, but the prospect of high infection rates. If it is truly as infectious as a cold, more people could get it in a year than ever contract flu. People typically get flu once every five years, however they might get a cold about twice a year. If that is any indication, then SARS is ten times more infectious. Of course there are many many different viruses that cause cold symptoms, so any one virus is not infecting the entire population.

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