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"Naturally the common people don't want war...but


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sexual_chocolate said:

North Korea.


I believe ElBaradei(?) stated that a state's nuclear capabilities can be understood without that state's compliance.

Iraq can be contained entirely without war, at a much much much much lesser cost. You didn't see them attacking anyone in the last 12 years, did you? Duhhhhhhh.


You didnt see NK threatening nuke use in the past 12 years didya smirk.gif

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I believe ElBaradei(?) stated that a state's nuclear capabilities can be understood without that state's compliance.

Iraq can be contained entirely without war, at a much much much much lesser cost.


Was that Hans Blix's brother? the guy who claimed they didnt have nuke plants and capabilities or intentions? Weak...........


That's like sending in Gore to proclaim Clinton is not a democrat yelrotflmao.gif

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sexual_chocolate said:

North Korea.


I believe ElBaradei(?) stated that a state's nuclear capabilities can be understood without that state's compliance.

Iraq can be contained entirely without war, at a much much much much lesser cost. You didn't see them attacking anyone in the last 12 years, did you? Duhhhhhhh.


What are we gonna do, threaten Saddam w/ more useless UN resolutions? That'll really do the trick. Maybe in another 10 years he'll be compliant w/ the resolutions from the early 90's. Or not. hellno3d.gif

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The day will come when there are no longer any more threatening nations like Iraq, but there will instead be what are termed "superempowered individuals" and groups, like Bin Ladin and the FARQ in Columbia that will not be so easy to take out because they lack the structure of a nation. They will have access to all sorts of nasty weapons of mass destruction. Perhaps North Korea will sell them atom bombs, because it needs the cash. The future, as I see it, is very scary.

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erik said:

very true catbird.


i think as the leading nation of the world we are setting a very bad precendent.


a guess it is the old do as i say, not as i do thingys?



fawk that shit, have you checked out what info is available on Saddam Jr and his bro Sadam Jr Jr?


If we don't clean house in an extreme manner now, we'd be facing a much much more serious threat in the near future. No chance of a regiem change in the next 30-40 years without intervention.



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