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What the hell are those guys talkin' about madgo_ron.gif There's a lot of good info here. I just found out earlier today how far I can ski towards J-berg. What a bunch of piker tele geeks. I bet I could beat their asses driving a pair of Asnes Nansen Mountain 210s with voile plate (first version) bindings while wearing Asolo Snowfield IIs! boxing_smiley.gifyellaf.gifHCL.gifsnaf.gifbigdrink.gifpitty.gif


Sure there is some good info here, why else would I be checking the site. But compared to ttips.com, this site seems to be filled with strong opinions, politics, and spray. And while I enjoy trasks off the wall comments, they really have little to do with climbing, mountaineering and back country skiing. And why does it seem like there is only a small couple of dozen posters ever seen? Are they afraid to post here because of all the spray they might receive? Really, how often do the likes of Fred Beckey post here. Don't be too offended though, there is some great info here at times, and it is a good diversion from reality other times.

The mouse that roared.

And I have a pair of Asnes 220s that I can turn with my snowpines! yelrotflmao.gif


Piker tele geeks… that’s a good thing, right?

I wouldn’t judge the contents of that book by the comments one lonely f/lamer. Ttips covers all the glisse sliding bases and there’s more solid good info there than you could read in a lifetime, almost. They’re also a lotta fun, too. -JP


snoboy said:

Looks like we got a shout out on telemarktips.com .


They don't seem too sure what to make of the HCL.gif & snaf.gif though! yellaf.gif


all spray all the time.


i like the sounds of that. now indeed cc.com is overrun by spray and political banter sometimes, well, alot of the time, but that is what makes this place plab.





220s with snowpines!?! cantfocus.gif That's pushin' it a bit Mouse. You really have to be able to turn on a dime to avoid the snaf.gif out here. You sound like my kind of BC skier bigdrink.gif BTW Beckey was at the last Pub Club according to the pictures I saw and I just enjoyed Lowell Skoogs presentation of his book material concerning The history of ski mountaineering in Washington. He is a poster here.

mtn_mouse said:

Really, how often do the likes of Fred Beckey post here.


They post here all the time, you just don't know it. Does it really matter?


Cascadeclimbers is a really poor excuse for a bulletin board, unless you like reading 7th graders talking about horsecock


Hey thats funny man. I love people like you. Now get lost.

jon said:

mtn_mouse said:

Really, how often do the likes of Fred Beckey post here.


They post here all the time, you just don't know it. Does it really matter?


No, of course that doesn't matter. I am just saying that there are other good climbers that don't post here because of all the spray. This site is not for the 'thin skinned'. I'm glad you thought it was funny, and I never get lost! bigdrink.gif


mtn mouse -

wave.gif I think it's okay that not everyone post here. There are plenty of good climbing websites around for the civil and sensitive. We sure don't need one more. Try appreciating cc.com for what it is .................




............and enjoy the irreverence if you're so inclined. bigdrink.gif

mtn_mouse said:

Too tense of my brain.


I’m hoping that the irony of your whining about the spray here by flaming me on another site doesn’t escape you, mr mouse. Other than that, I wish you Freshiez!


And timmy, “imho” times too. bigdrink.gif

gapertimmy said:

snoboy said:

Looks like we got a shout out on telemarktips.com .


They don't seem too sure what to make of the HCL.gif & snaf.gif though! yellaf.gif


that thread has been removed! blush.gif


spray lives!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1


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