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Everything posted by jja

  1. cool, thanks a bunch btw, the looong day comment was about all the driving. hope to give this route a go this summer for sure.
  2. way to go guys sounds like a looong day! since the e but slut hisself is here now, how bout some beta for a mere mortal like myself. what's the best strategy for this thing? If I don't intend to free the bolt ladders (don't think I can make the moves) do I need aiders? or are the bolts close enough that french free will work? once the snow melts how long is the walk from the base of the s.arete to the base of the route? - don't want to carry shoes and packs up the climb if i dont' have to. tanks
  3. cool, I'll be there around 7:30 or so .. I'll be the one with the mullet. hehe.
  4. Is the food any good at ths place? ... JayB / Paco you still going?
  5. This is so goin' to spray
  6. WTF? duh, he's saying he doesn't care if she doesn't know html - while at the same time calling you a dork.
  7. yeah great pics, looks like it was fun .. but pics are slow for me too.
  8. jja

    My REI wish list

    An interesting read on why college costs so much can be found here. For those that cringe on navigating to the National Review here's an excerpt.
  9. except if we do it that late it's more likely to rain like it did last fall.
  10. jja

    Spring Ski In

    oh btw, Thad - you left your 1999 Mt Bachelor sweatshirt in Craig's suburu - I've got it, lemme know how to get it back to you.
  11. jja

    Spring Ski In

    Just got back .. great weekend !! Thanks Dave P for setting this up Thanks TG for the beer Thanks to Craig and Thad for great climbing at the Pass To wirlwind - you the man !! 4 out of 5 Pass summits postholing all day wearing nothing but jorts and scater shoes with a Jack Daniels and TG Porter hangover on your first alpine climb. You the MAN !!
  12. It's more likely that they can't figure out how to escape from your basement
  13. jja

    Where are the WMD??

    interesting story here
  14. This would depend on what kind of car you had, and how "hoopdy'd" out it was, but what about a small trailer? You could probably pick one up used for not much dollars, then just haul the stuff yourself. Then when you get wherever it is you're going just sell the trailer.
  15. You must have a really slow computer if you lasted that long !! I got 18 secs.
  16. Seems like they're on sale here $19.95 for a biner is spendy.
  17. Thanks Will, I've been slacking lately in keeping this thread at least tangentially on topic. I see you found the same website I did
  18. jja


    I've got enough things to worry about when I'm on lead w/o stressing over which biner to use on the rope end of the draw when.
  19. I didn't see him. But maybe it had something to do with all the trash around there. Me and Eric must have picked up something like 15# of trash at our campsite. And there seemed to be a lot around the crags too. Hopefully it's not climbers.
  20. Got my ass spanked at index on saturday Ate some and drank some around the fire saturday night On sunday the spnaking continued. Tired now. Sleep soon. Great weekend
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