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Everything posted by jja

  1. jja

    Spring Rope-Up

    No we skipped the free coffee, we had to rush to monkey face early in the morning to make sure we were the first ones on it in the cold morning - only to end up being the only climbers on that thing all day
  2. If you make a choice between superslab and moscow, do superslab, way way better than moscow imo. if you can bring two ropes you can rap and you won't have to walk off. Winter's recommendation of the first two pitches of west side of monkey face is right on. Really really fun 5.8 that protects well. The only other thing that comes to mind is the single pitch 5.7 lyco...(something) next to captain zenolith and helium woman.
  3. So I'm going to be in leavenworth this weekend and might do this climb. All this beta is a bit confusing though. Will Matt, cbs, alex, or greg please go up there and mark all these pro opportunities with color coded tape? And then post the key here on this thread. Then I'll print out this thread and tape it to my forearm before starting the climb. Let's see, green tape = #.75 camalot with single runner. Hmm, purple = #4 with double. I'll send for sure
  4. Wow, look at the flame war I started WI1 in full goretex?? What an idiot!! I'ts not like I'm friends with her or anything but I've knocked backed some beers in mazama last fall and this saturday night at gustav's. She's a cool person and a good climber, lead's in the 11's and WI5 that I know of. Anyway just posted the pic because I wanted to pretend I have friends
  5. Got the first sunburn of the year on my shiny mr clean head .. oww that hurts!!!
  6. But just imagine if she was
  7. Is that the left skyline as you're looking at Asterik Pass?
  8. You know there's probably a 1 in 5 chance that she's real, and if she is there's a 4 in 5 chance she's never coming back
  9. I saw that one - it slid right down to the dirt up by the crown. btw, was castle completely dry?
  10. http://www.mountainmadness.com
  11. So it wasn't enough for her to pass me twice in the same day on NEWS - now she's chasing me up givler's crack.
  12. The road to white river campground usually doesn't open until mem. day weekend, so in mid may you'd probably have to do the long approach.
  13. dude!! you missed like the most popular cc route ever - nf of chair
  14. yikes!! it looks like he was one move away from a bomber jam. what does that pitch go at anyway?
  15. on the desk? he's still out on the sandy thumbing this tr in as he climbs with a blackberry
  16. to promote thread drift and hamper sales on yet another ebay posting in the yard sale .... The enzo is not an automatic transmission, it's a semi - automatic. It's the same system ferrari (as does everyone else) uses in F1 racing. It's basically a manual transmission with an automatic clutch, the shifters are on the steering colunm, push a lever for a gear shift. tres chic, and way fast.
  17. I think maybe it's time to get the radio transmitters in your fillings adjusted
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