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Everything posted by jja

  1. Ya that's still there at the gym. Nothing much changes there I guess. I put some hangers up for leading last year and that's probably the only change since you were there. You know Judson a couple of years ago had the money (from sf) and the contract all lined up to put a huge wall in one of the basketball courts for the special forces (and everyone else) to use but it fell through when a new sf co wanted exclusive use of it. So instead the sf built a freestanding outdoor wall in their compound that no one else can use and they hardly use because of all the rain. that's the army for you, john.
  2. And they even have snow on some of the volcanos. Btw, the ice I mentioned was really really wet. As in should of brought the soap and shampoo wet.
  3. On tuesday I snowshoed up to the tooth to check it out. I aproached from the side and ended up directly across the bowl at 5000. I had binos and there looked to be no ice at all on the ne slab. The finger of snow that reaches up to the slab wasn't reaching very high. Or at least it looked that way to me. (first time I've been up there in the winter) Yesterday I went back to tr some ice on the left side of the valley about 30 or so minutes up from the parking lot. While we were there some climbers were coming down. They said there was absolutely nothing on the ne slab and did the south face instead. Don't no anything about chair peak, but an assumption would be similar conditions. Hope this helps, jja.
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