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Everything posted by jja

  1. but back to my earlier point about you liberals not being any fun, you're so filled with bile and hate you can't even appreciate a good looking babe yet another right thinking hotty
  2. maybe I missed that day in class, where in the constitution did you find that gem?
  3. I think you lack a certain historical perspective. Like it or not, and I assume most of the left leaning atheist ( or at least agnostic ) types here don't like it a bit, this is a nation that has always had God and religion front and center. Indeed the original point of the first amendment was to keep gov't out of religion and not the other way around. I suppose that in the modern context you think good ole Abe was a "nutjob" for thinking that the horrors of the civil war were divine retribution for mans wickednes and that this was the righteous judgement of the Lord? From the second innagural.
  4. You'd think that being a pro boxing ring girl she wouldn't have much upstairs, but no, young Amy is quite the thinker.
  5. But enough politics, back to the republican babes
  6. #2 is "DYKWIA" I'm from Mass. and this little acronym was coined to describe the boston brahmin's habit of disdaining the little people with the oh so ever arrogant "DON"T YOU KNOW WHO I AM ??" - most often used at restaraunts and golf clubs and the like to get preferential treatment - because well he's JFK.
  7. hey dfa, keep bringing the love - I'm sure that kind of vitriol will really turn on middle america and bring in all kinds of votes for kerry
  8. ok, one more of Lauren Bush And of course how could I leave out the ultimate Republican hotty - hell she even has a climb named after her !!
  9. Unlike the lib-hatemongers that populate this place we conservatives are full of charity and good cheer, so in the spirit of friendly bi-partisanship I give you Eleanor Mondale (democrat) - daughter of former Vice President Walter Mondale and bona fide hotty
  10. Cracked said: Let's waste some bandwith
  11. I think the answer to that one is fairly obvious - sue the fuckers!
  12. NBC is a great route. The little rock scramble at the end is a nice way to finish a mostly snow route. Glad you had fun on it
  13. way to go greg - lack of motivation usually kills my solo plans did you happen to get a look at prussik? snowy? wet? tia.
  14. jja

    Tax Day !!

    headed to the bank now, to get a $577 check to send to the man .. ouch !!
  15. If you go to domestic dome do the 5.6 BS for some scary (for the grade), sometimes sandy slab to a big ledge. Couple of options for a second pitch include a 5.4 route to an obvious tree, or Underachiever a nice 5.8 with fun stem moves between a couple of flakes and a bolted slab finish. There is also a wide crack up there at something like 5.8, I think it's called snag crack(?) - didn't do that one.
  16. Oprah's Navel (10c) and another slab route just to the left (10a) can be tr'd by first climbing Sam n Cams (5.7) at Sam Hill. There is also a couple of slab routes that looked hard just around the corner to the right of the bid dead tree (sorry don't know the names or grades off hand).
  17. As Fred Rogers once said - whatever sendbot !! fwiw, midway was my first multi pitch trad lead, in fact the first pitch of midway was my second trad pitch ever, and I was climbing with a partner who had never been climbing before midway _is_ a great beginner climb, and the better alternative to saber - the first pitch of that thing scared the hell out of me, 5.4 my ass !!
  18. ahh, experiential learning hits a snag
  19. Alphabet Rock - is that really appropriate for a mountie class?
  20. Happy Easter everyone from the folks house in Massachusetts!! We had lot's of and and lots of , we did some , but most of all we took lots and lots of pictures
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