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Everything posted by sobo

  1. EXACTLY! And some of are provided laptops and notebooks by our work so we can take them with us and spray anywhere, but we don't have a choice with the browsers on those either. Unless we want to change the browser and risk getting fired for fuq'n with company IT protocols...
  2. ...and they say I'm cancer-free! The last 8 days have been pretty nerve-wracking in that regard. But now... Yay life! Thanks for the well-wishes from so many of you, and although I do not believe in the power of prayer, I extend my heartfelt thanks to those of you that said something on my behalf anyway. Now, if I could just get my range of motion back and have these darned stitches taken out of my back and shoulder, things would be pretty fuq'n hunky-dory. Psssst... anybody want some hydrocodone... cheap?
  3. ACK!!! This thread has been moderated!
  4. This was a whole lot funnier when it was in the Climbers Board...
  5. sobo


    billcoe... purveyor of WMD...
  6. sobo


    I know where she is, but I ain't telling. I've got her back...
  7. ya...well. Not my problem you lost it bro.
  8. Depends... The #4 for nkane? Prolly not very long, since he's been quiet and not a douchebag. The P-bers for SC? For attitudinally-challenged douchebags, likely forever...
  9. Anybody besides me notice that the writing on the chalkboard is ass backwards?? Post Count Update: In just 20 minutes after spiderman respectfully requested that we end this thread, 9 new posts were logged!!!1 Way to go sprayers! And let the scrum continue!
  10. spiderman, you've been around here for years. You know we can't do that. After all, this is the cc.com playground, and every once in a while, someone gets sand kicked in their eyes...
  11. I couldn't resist leaving it alone, either. Sorry spiderman, but this thread just screams to become a dog-pile. Besides, it's not your thread to close. It's nkane's. He's got the FA on this thread. Now where's he gotten to, anyway?? Bueller...?? Bueller...?? Bueller...??
  12. Sounds to me like YOU dropped it. Your ice tool, that is. I love the smell of poetic justice in the morning. Smells like... irony. @ bill- I was getting around to it, but I've had a rough morning, coming off the hydrocodone and all...
  13. Goddamn, you're a fucking dick, and that's the most charitable way I can put it. Why don't you STFU, ferchrissakes, while you're not too deep in your own shit. Ever hear either of these old saws? "There but for the grace of god go I." or "Let he among you who is without sin, cast the first stone." Someday, I hope you lose more than just your piss-ass beer. On that day, nary a tear shall I shed for thee. Dick.
  14. [tangentially related beer story] Labor Day weekend many years ago, I was doing the segment of the PCT from Chinook to White with a buddy. At the end of the first day's hiking, we settled down at our campsite for the night. After dinner, I was thinking how fitting it would be to cap off the day with some libations. Went something like this... Me: "Man, it sure would be nice to have a beer right now." Phil: "Well, now that you mention it, there's some in the bottom of your pack." Me: "WTF?? You stashed beer in there? When'ja do that?" Phil: "During the car swap. Quite simple really." Me: "Bastard! You're telling me I've been lugging this fuq'n 6-pack all day?" Phil: "Yeah, but I figured you wouldn't mind because it doesn't weigh much. It's Lite beer, ya know..." [/tangentially related beer story]
  15. While spraying on cc.com, left click on "Help" at the top of the screen, right below the address bar. A menu will appear. At the bottom of that menu will be "About Internet Explorer". Left click on that and a dialog box will pop up. The box will indicate the precise version and update you are using. For example, mine says Version: 7.0.5730.13, Update Versions: 0 YMMV.
  16. Meanwhile, last night... Hooligans, the lot of them. These are just fucking ball games, ferchrissakes... Some people need to get a life.
  17. According to this metric, not very good...
  18. sobo

    US loses the war

    You talking about the air gap/vacuum breaker thingie that sits in the corner of the top of the sink? Those things can get pretty fuq'n nasty...
  19. We did this one here once before, a year or so ago I guess. It was riotous then, as it is again now. Found it!
  20. sobo


    Hey, girlie, what about us 'Mericans, huh? Remember Pearl Harbor???
  21. sobo

    Chimp raping a frog

    Jeebus, rob, where the fuq do you find this stuff??
  22. sobo


    Is that all I am to you? Just a piece of meat?
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