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Everything posted by sobo

  1. sobo


    cuz she's not in colorado.
  2. sobo


    Think of the Jews you insensitive clod!
  3. When I was down sailing with some friends last November we heard the Willie T is for sale. I heard that same rumor in December when I took these pics. Don't know if it's true or not. They've banned the nekkid jumping from the crow's nest - apparently some young nubile wench got a little too drunk, leapt, and met an untimely demise... And therein lies the crux...
  4. Hey C, you're back! Nice to see ya again! Love the new avatar, as always! Got any with super duper poopers?
  5. I luv how this thread has really taken off. Five more pages since yesterday!
  6. I finally got around to uploading some pics from this trip. Enjoy! It was somewhat scary taxiing out to the runway in San Juan. Those heavies look a lot bigger when you're in a Cessna 421... Nancy the Beer Fairy came to the rescue after touching down on Tortola. We took a high-speed ferry to Virgin Gorda from here. This sweet little bungalow was to be our home sweet home on VG for Week #1. This became my personal boulder problem, right off our veranda. Nancy and I took a hike to the "high point" of VG. I think it was about 1,300 feet AMSL... Savannah Bay was our most favorite snorkeling area on VG. Very private... Those mermaids sure do move fast... BOULDERS!!! More boulderings at The Baths Excuse me, that's my harem that just arrived and I must go tend to them... A fine roast pig BBQ for dinner, but the waitress takes lousy pictures. JUMBIES!!! More Jumbie dancers! These guys are freak'n fun to watch. Chillin' at the villa on Tortola, our home on the beach for Week #2. Sunday brunch at the ex-pat's estate. These Brits have a swim-up bar in here... Now, that's a barracuda! That thing is longer than my son is tall! Daysailing after my most awesome scuba dive. Drinks all around! Sadly, the sun must eventually set on every fine adventure... This trip was definitely one that will go down in my memory as a veritable h00t! Gotta get back to the BVI someday, and soon...
  7. And that's the best you could come up with?? Jeezus...
  8. I've been around teh intertubez for a while now...
  9. Shit, I think that took about an hour and a half. The worst part was that I didn't have enough PTO to charge the time to because I was saving it up for my most righteous trip to the BVI, and I couldn't fuck - I mean bill - a client for it either. So I had to work late to make up the lost time. Asshole co-workers... So with two links in the same post to the Awesomeness That Is Me, have I made myself into a douchebag worthy enough to challenge summitdoucher for the title?
  10. Lemme tell ya, them 'codones are going down quite well now, what with this Fat Tire chaser. Better living through chemistry...
  11. Goddammit, I knew someone was gonna ask!!!1 And me with nuthin' but a couple of Fat Tires left over from last week... I'll have you know, LCK, that you just forced me to drag my lazy ass out of my chair and trudge down the hall to the office fridge. I am now sipping upon one of only three Fat Tires left over from last week. That's gonna make this a short afternoon... Are you happy now???
  12. Nope. well...I guess there's always a chance. But really, no.damn...that means there is two independent gene lines running around out there... Now that's fuq'n funny! @spiderman and LCK- just noticed that... all the buildup for something soooooo funny and then the link is busted? what a letdown. i was all set to laugh, too... Your link to SummitDoucher's xtranormal video works juuuuuuuuuuuuust fiiiiiiiiiine.
  13. Um, yeah. Somebody else did that research already. That's why it's in the guidebook. Try talking to old-timers who've been around the crag for decades. There's a novel idea...
  14. You haven't learned a fucking thing, have you? You're going to have your ass handed to you over that one. Oh yeah, this is rich. "Puts up a route" at a highly-trafficked area of legendary repute, and posts a TR the same day claiming the FA. I'm sure that you "checked all available sources" in that scant 3 or 4 hours from the time of your send to the posting of your TR. Stop being such a douchebag, will ya? It's takes a little more than a couple of hours to research "all available sources", or haven't you figured that out yet? Your research skills leave much to be desired...
  15. Not anymore, counterfeitfake... The douchebag edited out his original slag comment. What incredibly poor form, and not a very good attempt at stealth editing. Douchebag can't even face the music after the heat rises in the kitchen, so I'll put his original reply back for everyone to enjoy. There, fixed it for ya, summitchaser!
  16. It's not that us guys don't make it easy. It's that you make it hard upon yourself. Stop claiming FFAs/FAs on highly trafficked rock and being such a doucehbag when someone loses gear or when your beer gets kiped and you'll find that we're a pretty generous lot.
  17. Did you lose a #4 camalot and suffer the incessant whining of a douchebaggy beer-thievery victim? I didn't think so...
  18. Prouder than you and you're beer-thievery whining and douchebaggy responses to a guy's lost gear. Hey nkane, BDEL sez they need $85 to replace your cam. I'll buy it for you if you ropegun me up NR Stuart, full lower east side variation.
  19. Guys, guys, guys... you've got it all wrong. minx IS porn...
  20. sobo


    You guys all suck. I'm looking deeply into her dark brown eyes right now.
  21. sobo


    Perhaps we could also make an inquiry of our friends, the Soviets...
  22. sobo


    At my office, we call that the Mercy Flush (definitions #3 and #4). Especially if it's me in the stall...
  23. But he has a really trick ride...
  24. Oh, I wholeheartedly agree, OW. It's just that it was so funny in its original entirety. Now that it's been split, people will employ conjecture as to what the earlier posts were about that resulted in such condemnation for summitchaser. I hope that my x-linking will preserve the hilarity for endless generations to come...
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