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Everything posted by sobo

  1. Yes indeed! How perceptive of you, Dru! But I would posit that Plaidman was actually wondering "how far out from the wall would I be" if I were at the end of a 200-foot rope on a 110 degree overhanging wall. While his actual distance from the wall (at his closest approach) would be 68.4 feet as you so aptly demonstrate, he prolly was looking for the horizontal distance from the wall. Only Plaidman knows... What say ye all to a 4th page? I still have more Fat Tires here...
  2. me! Lest y'all think this pic was not taken moments ago, please note the envelope on my keyboard. Look familiar?? You may now ask the question... "Hey, Sobo! What time is it??"
  3. I will raise a Fat Tire to the first person who puts this thread to three pages.
  4. Seven more to go... Ken, ya gonna get in on this? You started it, ya know...
  5. You should send it to Joe. It appears from the top of this page that he might need it... Nine more to go...
  6. I'm luv'n this... And Teresa, my surgery's not until the 14th. But I'll spray from the recovery room if that's what the hordes demand...
  7. Hey, I'm just providing answers to the questions being posed. And yes, that really is written on the back of an envelope...
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