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Everything posted by sobo

  1. Unacceptable. I, too, have led ST a number of times, on-sighting on my first go. And on at least one occasion that I can vividly recall, I popped at the first bolt while trying to clip it and cratered onto my belayer (got up and finished it). Even though I fell a good ways, I still cannot condone retro-bolting a climb if that entails adding more bolts than were installed on the original climb. It's just not cricket. That's my tuppence.
  2. Yeah, I saw that set-up on their homepage, and was just wondering if you had to use that, or if you could use your own stuff. I'm way more comfortable using my own stuff instead of some honkin' ginormous set-up upon which I have not been trained and am not familiar.
  3. Dane, you're killin' me! I luv this thread...
  4. Do we need our own life insurance, or will insurance for the day of the event be provided? Would that be at our own cost or at SOW's cost? Can we use our own gear if we want to? Didn't see answers to these questions on the OTE site. Is there a FAQ? Although I'm not a fan of rappelling simply for rappelling's sake, Special Olympics is definitely a worthy cause, and the event happens to fall on my son's birthday, so I would be in the area already to visit him anyway.
  5. Wrong. Everyone has their price. Then I'm putting in a request for some overtime...
  6. Free Floyd Collins! for those that didn't get the joke...
  7. OK, thanks for checking in, Kurt. You have fun and try to stay dry.
  8. I got the DAMHIK bit. Wasn't too sure on the BSC bit. I was coming up with something unfit to print, even on this site...
  9. Back off, aussie! Kinga's mine. Well, at least I'm working it. Your studliness and youth may prevail, though, but be aware that I'm not cockblocked yet! Watch it, sobo, those polish chicks can be just as BSC as the red-headed irish ones. DAMHIK. BSC??? Bed Side Commode?? DAMHIK...
  10. I sure hope you're gonna spit out the gum before you put the liplock on your hunny, there, aussie.
  11. Shite! Bonington and Scott are still kicking around?? Ol' Doug looks like a lot like me now, the poor chap...
  12. My god, that is hideous!
  13. Marcin, I wanna go for more than a day. It's prolly gonna be the last climbering I'll be doing for a while.
  14. Back off, aussie! Kinga's mine. Well, at least I'm working it. Your studliness and youth may prevail, though, but be aware that I'm not cockblocked yet!
  15. Wow. My condolences to his family and his many friends. He was a month younger than me...
  16. Bullshit, Gary. Ever hear of either of these guys? TIB or CRAB That's just for Washington. They use gas tax money to fund local agency projects, that is, projects where you live. NOT limited access highways First, note that I said "majority" and "tends", not "all" and "always". Point conceded. Indeed, I was extrapolating too much with your words. Apologies.
  17. But aren't FHWA's funding for local project limtied to larger ones - such as the SR 202 bridge? They will not be funding road repairs on Eastlake for instance, which gets a lot of bicycle traffic. I'm assuming, for instance, that Seattle's road projects are primarily funded through local taxes and from their gas tax share - true? First question: No, not limited to larger projects. I've been involved with many many small projects over the years using FHWA funds, some as small as $250,000. Project size is not the limiting factor, just if your agency can squeeze the money out of FHWA or not. And that depends upon how good your representatives are... Second question: Part 1 - Probably so. Part 2 - yes. Part 1: Seattle is a huge local agency, and has its own way of generating funds. Remember about 15 years ago when TBDs were first introduced? Transportation Benefit Districts they were called. Just before I started work on the first one in the state, they were found to be unconstitutional by a Seattle judge, and the program died on the vine. Part 2: A large part of your project budget does indeed come from your share of the gas taxes. There's more than one gas tax on a gallon of gas. You do know that, yes? Federal, state, and the TIB has a $0.03/gallon tax that's been in existence for 20 years and never has been approved for an increase by the voters. That's one of the reasons that the TIB is going under. And they are the easiest people to work with for getting money for projects, and they fund the greatest number of projects across the state. It will be a sad day if they go down, and it's actually looking that way.
  18. sobo

    520 Bridge Toll

    Oh, yeah. You're preaching to the choir, num1... preaching to the choir...
  19. Yeah, but you climb way harder than me, so she's gonna gravitate towards you. Curses, cockblocked again!!!
  20. Harumph! It ain't gray down there yet, suh.
  21. Bullshit, Gary. Ever hear of either of these guys? TIB or CRAB That's just for Washington. They use gas tax money to fund local agency projects, that is, projects where you live. NOT limited access highways. How about these guys? FHWA Sure, a lot goes to the interstates, but the various state DOTs can and do pair FHWA money (which comes from your federal income tax and the fees trucking outfits pay - not your property or sales taxes) with the DOT money (which comes from gas taxes), which also allows the FHWA to help fund more local projects through the state DOTs. Note that WSDOT can only spend money on roadways that are functionally classified. You may or may not have roadways in your locale that are functionally classified, so you can't just limit WSDOT's projects, and by extension, the FHWA's projects, to the interstates. Case in point, right now I'm managing two projects for local agencies (read: cities) that are being funded by the FHWA (financially administered through WSDOT), so your initial statement is patently false.
  22. sobo

    520 Bridge Toll

    Or you fuck up and stay in the windshield tag lane, without a tag in the window, and get a big-ass bill in the mail. That's what my soon-to-be ex-wife did.
  23. So you've already run up against this issue, then, huh Bill?
  24. Something wrong with that...?? Um, yeah... Still so in love. She even wears Makalus... :swoon: :kisss:
  25. Bump! RPL- How would you get to Der Town?
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