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Everything posted by sobo

  1. Getting ready for our appearance at the Port Orchard Masquerade Ball. More to come, as they become available...
  2. This is yet another example of this nations's "Zero Tolerance" policy on any number of behaviours. It is sterling proof that ZT has not, does not, and will not work. More on bullshit ZT: from Wikipedia And from Randy Cassingham: This is True Judges/schools/caregivers hands are tied by politicians/school boards/legislators that do not think, but rather just jerk a knee.
  3. OMFG! This is horriffic news! Joe was such a humble, low-key, great guy. He will be truly missed. May peace come to Michelle, his parents, and friends as they work through this.
  4. sobo

    one laptop per child

    That movie was fuq'n brilliant! Hilarious!
  5. This is an interesting point to ponder... Why is it that Seattle, a thriving metropolis of over 3.4 million souls in its metropolitan area, cannot install and maintain a public toilet, yet Paris, a thriving metropolis of over 10 million souls in its metropolitan area, can and indeed does install and maintain publicly available, pay-to-poo, self-cleansing toilets? I have used them, and they are by no means disgusting, gross, nor vandalized. What are we doing wrong here???
  6. Be humble in victory, and gracious in defeat. I've done my part. Now you do yours.
  7. Oh ferchrissakes, gimme a break, Einstein! You just remembered something better than I did. No real intellect in action here by either of us.
  8. And point goes to numimc! On to Round 2, fans! I'm gonna make a guess and say that I'm a bit older than you, so I'm allowed to fergit shit from time to time... It's either that, or all of the I did as a young man that's causing my memory lapses...
  9. Then we are agreed. So when are we gonna break out the grill, Marcin?
  10. Until Oysterfest, the only way I would eat oysters was raw on the half-shell, with just a splash of fresh lemon. At Oysterfest this year, I learned that BBQ'ed on the half-shell with a minced garlic and butter sauce is the new way to go... with a splash of Tobasco. ...
  11. About Oysterfest? Evidently not, my dear Watson.
  12. Fixed it. That's about as succinct an argument that can be made. And there's no need to cite FOX, or any network for that matter. TTK's statement rings true on its own merit, without naming any broadcasters.
  13. My son turned 8 in August. My daughter turned 6 last week. Yes, wow is right... Pictures are from Oysterfest 2010 in Shelton at the beginning of October.
  14. This is typically the case. I run into this repeatedly in my profession. Short-sighted "visonaries"... My professional society, the ASCE, has been crying this same tune for at least two decades. Nobody listens until someone gets killed. And even then, nothing happens. Couldn't agree more with this assessment. We are indeed, and have been for many years, slouching towards Rome...
  15. Is it just me, or does = ???
  16. Glad to see you're back, C. And your avatars, delicious... as always.
  17. Some people don't take any shit off of goats! (not my photo)
  18. Welcome back, archie. I (we) missed you. :kisss:
  19. Y'all should heed the wisdom of Off "Pamplona" White here... OW- No exhibition of your capriciousness is being solicited here, neither explicitly nor implicitly.
  20. All your brainwaves are belong to us. Resistance is futile...
  21. Now that's just classic! To hell with a piece of red webbing - just leave your hammer! Some dude climbs up, finds it, and says to himself, "Hmmm, ya think someone must be working this route...??" Nice, Joe! :tup:
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