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Everything posted by sobo

  1. sobo


    He's re-gifting, minx. Or maybe he's giving the gift that keeps on giving...
  2. sobo


    Oh my goshes!!!1 This is sooooo embarrassing... Thanks to all you guys that have posted up berffday greetings on FB (Melissa, Kurt, Larry, rob, minx) and here. And I got a phone call from carolyn (y'all remember carolyn and Latte', yes?) last night. I feel so luved... sickie You're the best friends a guy ever had... And just for you, Doug, I'll spare you the LD n00dies. 'course, if you get lonely, they're in my Gallery.
  3. This BITD thread is perfect, since today is my berffday! And since you specifically asked for great beards... here ya go: Top right: Ski trip w/Cherie to Apache Sunrise, Mogollon Rim, AZ, Dec. 1982 Bot right: 1/4-mile-long zipline across the Pembroke Quarry, WV, w/VA Tech Cave Club, Fall 1983 Bot left: Chugging a beer after jugging up 1,000+ feet on Whitesides Mountain, NC, w/VT Cave Club, Spring 1984 Top left: Preparing to rappel Whitesides Mountain w/VT Cave Club, Fall 1984. Then I discovered climbing, and I was never the same again...
  4. sobo


    Knew a guy (Morgan) back in college who lost one. We called him One Organ Morgan... One Organ Morgan? Morgan being a contraction of Mono-Organ? No Doug, his last name was Morgan. And although a gonad is technically not an organ (it's a gland), his having only one ball and us calling him One Organ Morgan just sounded funny cuz it rhymed.
  5. sobo

    uss mt hood

    No shit Sobo? That's proud, thanks for sharing the pics. No shit, OW. That's my uncle, my dad's older brother Frank. My dad has another older brother, my Uncle Eddie, who served in the PTO as a Marine. Surprised that he survived the march toward Tokyo. Both Frank and Eddie are still alive today, although they officially overqualify as curmudgeons, now. My dad didn't "get in the fight" since he was just 15 when the war ended. My Uncle Frank tells the story of 3 or 4 guys from their hometown of International Falls, MN, that committed suicide when they received grades of 4F and were told that they wouldn't be allowed to serve. Strange times, then...
  6. sobo

    uss mt hood

    This show was about U-869, as stated, and was also covered extremely well in Robert Kurson's book, Shadow Divers. If you have any interest in U-boats and wreck diving whatsoever, then I highly recommend this book. Captivating. I think I read it in, like, 2 or 3 days. Couldn't put it down. :tup:
  7. sobo


    Knew a guy (Morgan) back in college who lost one. We called him One Organ Morgan...
  8. Yeah, DC, what Joseph said about stellar climbing in NC. Go to Stone Mountain in North Carolina, not Georgia. It's my understanding that you aren't allowed to climb at SM GA because it's a park and monument to the Confederacy with a huge carving of some Confederate leaders on the face. But SM NC is still open to climbing, although you will get bullhorned off after dark by the park ranger (DAMHIK). It's a fantastic granite slab playground. Also don't miss Linville Gorge, Looking Glass, Whitesides, and Moore's Wall. Good luck in your studies and we await your arrival to the West!
  9. sobo

    uss mt hood

    Since prole "broke the seal" and posted the first pic of veterans today, I'll throw down a couple pics of my favorite vet: SGT (Ret.) Frank Soboleski, Easy Co., 506th PIR, 101st Airborne Division. One of the Band of Brothers then: And now, at last year's 65th commemoration of the Normandy Invasion. He's the happy looking guy next to Tom Hanks.
  10. sobo

    uss mt hood

    Ah, that's what happened to the Phoenix - the last of our ships sunk by the British. City names these days are on Los Angeles class attack subs. Yes, the Phoenix was sold to Argentina, renamed the General Belgrano, and was sunk by a Brit sub in 1982. wiki The Brooklyn was transferred to Chile, renamed the O'Higgins, and sank on its way to a scrapyard in India ~40 years later. wiki
  11. sobo

    uss mt hood

    Great find and good read, ivan. I knew about the Port Chicago explosion and the resultant dock workers' "mutiny", but the USS Mt. Hood obliteration was a new on on me.
  12. sobo


    I just got mine back after 10 years! W00t w00t!!!1 I lost mine the day I went sport climbing. This past June was a big month for me. I cured two cancers... my melanoma surgery was successful, and my divorce became final. Ba-dum, kish!!!1
  13. sobo


    I just got mine back after 10 years! W00t w00t!!!1
  14. He was here in the Tri-Cities last Thursday night. I didn't go, cuz I had "udduh t'ings" to be doin'... But a co-worker went and he said it was less than fabulous. He said his voice was so gravelly that all of the songs sounded the same and he didn't recognize most of them. My friend's comment was, "He's 72 years old, he's smoked too much, and he's had a stroke. It's time for him to shut down the show."
  15. i was still shitting in my diapers - didn't even hear the song till a couple years ago I turned 16 years old less than a week after the sinking. I'll turn 51 next Monday. I am officially an Old Fart.
  16. Always liked that song. I remembered when it happened, too. RIP.
  17. minx... how many times have we told you that kevbone is a slow learner?
  18. Sounds like an alien abduction... does your bum feel weird??
  19. Well, at least we've been warned... So what happened? Stolen? Fell off a mountain?
  20. Well, fuq! At least you still have us. Welcome back, minx!
  21. It's been three years today. Remember... Although I never knew Jim, I'm feeling my age today. I will throw one back for him tonight.
  22. Hey! Where'd she go??? I've always admired that woman's perkiness and sanguine perambulatory technique.
  23. Wow, lummie, haven't seen you around these parts in months. Glad to see your tits are still shakin'!
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