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Everything posted by sobo

  1. Whew! That monster's dropped two categories in the last 24 hours. Your kin down there should be breathing at least a little easier, though we all know they're not out of the woods yet.
  2. shit! twice a week? how do you do that? lucky dog...
  3. Why can't we all just get along??? (in high-pitched, whiny, plaintive voice)
  4. Hah! I didn't even consider that before clicking. I guess it's all in how you mentally "say" it.
  5. OK, so the concept of how this works is pretty simple... ...but what happens when the skier, halfway up the hill, meets the charging and infuriated yak (charging and infuriated being the operative words here), halfway down the hill? Is there a <trainwreck> graemlin out there?
  6. insert <shaking head> graemlin here... Hey mec, this kind of shit really makes your autosig seem all the more poignant, yes? Pat Robertson + Jerry Falwell = tele-evangelists aggressive stupidity = Pat Robertson + Jerry Falwell By substitution: Tele-evangelists = aggressive stupidity Therefore: Nothing worse than tele-evangelists QED.
  7. CBS and bunglehead, Read Stonehead's last post again. You don't have to believe the reasoning behind the "true" or "false" answers that they give, or even if you believe that the answers are true or false. What really matters is that you maintain a level of skepticism regarding all the information that you take in daily through all the myriad forms of media to which you are exposed. That, I believe, is the real point of the "test." It's along the same lines as the slogan, "Question authority."
  8. Schweet! You're up there with me! Now you can get yourself in hock up to your ass for just about anything, girl! Chaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaarrrrrrrrrrrrrrrge it!
  9. underworld, Man, that bites. I know I must be stating the obvious here, but try to keep in continuos cell phone contact with them. Maybe pre-arrange for periodic call-ins so that they can turn off the phone and hence extend the life of their batts. Good luck to your family.
  10. Compare the photo in ChrisT's original post, and the one just above. That fucker has gotten big in the last 2 days, even after allowing for the difference in photo scale... Rita is at once beautiful, and not. I hope people are heeding the evac warnings this time around. Heard on NPR this morning that traffic is backed up 100 miles leaving Houston. I sat through a hurricane there over 20 years ago, but it was nothing like this one's gonna be...
  11. Looks like TG Porter is climbing in the stats. C'on people, get out the vote!
  12. Pretty fuggin' funny that someone would come up with such a prank. Almost looked for real for a second...
  13. 97 You'd have to be pretty stoopid not to score above 50 percent on that particular "test."
  14. Why is the monkey the only one laughing...? Silly little monkey...
  15. Yes, and he doesn't look a day over 5,000. Had some trouble uploading files to the gallery. Will try later. A copy/paste of the image's URL without the image tags gets you: cascadeclimbers gallery Message This photo is no longer in our database BTW, where are they keeping ol' Otzi now? I remember a big brouhaha over whether he was found in Italy or Austria, and which country had jurisdiction over where his remains were to be situated. Any news?
  16. Sweet read for an CE geek like myself. Thanks a lot for that link, kurt.
  17. That was hilarious and extremely well-written Cliff - er, I mean Bill... too funny!
  18. sobo

    Blue Baggin

    Note the last part, folks: return them to civilization for disposal. If you just drop it in the outhouse at the TH, it's a bitch to vacuum that stuff out of the pit. Take it home and put it in your garbage can so it makes its way to the landfill. Your shit, and the plastic bags containing it, is way less potent than all the other shit already in there. Alternatively, know when you can "smear" and when not to. Burn your TP or pack it out for alternate disposal. One thing that really peeves me is finding "paper flowers" all over the place. It's fuggin' redneck.
  19. I will be there, and will drink any beer that Steve deigns to provide to us unworthy buggerers. Given the choice, I would prefer the Porter.
  20. Hiiiiiiii, Joe! ...only 11 more steps to go...
  21. sobo

    Kids RopeUp

    How true. Mine's doing the same for me, as well...
  22. sobo

    Kids RopeUp

    Crazy, daddy-o! Putting the little guy on the right path in life, eh?
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