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Everything posted by sobo

  1. sobo


    Do not engage. Repeat, do NOT engage.
  2. Tread lightly here, arch, the male ego is an extremely fragile thing.
  3. Only after the proper amount of retail experience and several NOLSe courses. I'm fairly certain this is exactly why you kids are my case... or it could be my charming good looks I wouldn't know about your looks; you went "stealth" at RopeUp. Something about potential violence being wrought upon you...?
  4. that's not a creepy Halloween song... it's just creepy, period!
  5. sobo


    The Pacific Northwest Brotha Resource say
  6. I just want to say "Thank you" to all of you who wrote such kind sentiments and let this proud old fart spout off about his new kid. You guys are a great bunch, I don't care WTF those poseurs over at ascensionist.com say about ya!
  7. Doesn't seem like anything is particularly cheap right now in the ropes department... mebbe check back later. Savings are running about 25-30% on dynamic stringy thingies. click me
  8. Do you have access to a pro deal, by virtue of being in a rescue or rigging outfit (with 501©3 status)? BD does pro deals for mountain rescue and fire department types all the time. The requirements are a bit of a pain, but we save 40% off retail on every item purchased. They sell Beal ropes, if that matters... or not. Also, try these guys...
  9. The former. Hadn't thought about the latter, but it sure seems to fit with your name... Ooo! I get a agebottom: !
  10. you might be on belay 10 ft up the wall when your belayer makes it to the actual kern of the kernmantle rope. (they seem to have become better about this) Crikey!
  11. Hey SOL, Did you notice that your username makes for another amusing acronym, particularly well-adapted to climbing?
  12. Man, you guys are brutal. Will this heckling over nutrinos and windshirts never cease?
  13. Whuddothey look like? Trashed? Or long-life versions?
  14. Thanks. Methinks I self-deprecate a wee much... If Putzl is recommending 7-13, then I'd say a 9 mm would be a good choice. It's slightly below the mid-range of the device, but not so close to either extreme of the range. So you can save weight/cost on the 9mm, but not get scared by being on the device's fringe operating limit. A 9mm for jugging is plenty safe, IMO. As far as the static's lifespan, it's all a crapshoot. Just inspect your jug line really well before and after each trip. As you know, your life is wholly dependent upon its integrity, whereas your lead line is primarily a back-up to your climbing abilities. But you already knew that.
  15. A haul rope could be as small as being in the 6-8 mm range (depending upon how much shit/weight you're going to be hauling), but your jug rope would need to be of a large enough diameter to be clamped safely by your Jumar/Clog/whatever brand ascender you use. Also remember, if you're going to be using your Jumar as part of the hauling/ratchet/locking system, then you need to consider a larger diameter rope for hauling (otherwise, use a locking knot/prussic). If the rope diameter is too small, you're stepping on a slippery slope, so to speak. My rec would be to not go smaller than 10 mm, but then I did aid climbs back in the 80s with Jumars, and I'm just a washed up, old skewl, fat boy now. Just ask anybody who was at RopeUp.
  16. Yah, agreed that Chatter Creek was a nice spot. We had a covered area to cook and protect the projector, lots and lots of space to camp, it had a working fireplace, and we had another firepit outside of the shelter that lots of folks could group up around. If you didn't like the conversation at one fire, you could always move over to the other one. And we were the only ones in the entire campground, and that included the non-group portion, so we could be as loud and obnoxious as we wanted, and we most certainly availed ourselves of that amenity. The drive out and back really wasn't all that long anyway; Blake is just a real fast reader. I'd be up for voting Chatter Creek as next year's venue.
  17. They caught, skinned, cooked, and ate s
  18. Blake is making a joke about JoshK's comments on Jens's and Loren's recent J-berg ascent. It was good fodder during their slide show, and everybody had a good over it.
  19. sobo

    Photo Caption

    The IOC gives the biathlon a much-needed makeover...
  20. Saturday afternoon, while the rest of you wanks were out freezing your 'nads off in the rain, AlpineK and I helped ourselves to several of MisterE's quesadillas that he made according to a time-honored recipe handed down from his momma. Now these were not your "plain-Jane" cheese quesas - oh no... These bad boys had stuffed green chiles, Spanish rice, refried beans, and other stuff in them, all on grilled corn tortillas. Phuk'n scrumptious, they were!
  21. No prob, man. We didn't want you to pull a "Hendrix" on us.
  22. AlpineDave's gyro was off-line by that point, although he rallied on Sunday to hit some sweet sandstone cragging at a destination spot outside of Cashmere. Ask olyclimber for deets!
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