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Everything posted by sobo

  1. Wait a minute, I thought you were okay with it? And to be fair, I was actually working for a second. Besides once I saw you go for it, it seemed like a shame to interrupt it. It played out beautifully. Kids are fucking hilarious. I taught ny girlfriend's kid to say "I gotta drop the kids off at the pool" when he needs to "number 2" It's pretty funny. I'm just funnin' ya! See my post above about being a good sport and butt of many jokes. And working, yeah... I'm gonna have to teach my son that one about the pool...
  2. When both players reach "40-40" for the first time in any given game, it is called "deuce." Then one player reaches "advantage." If the other player (the one without the advantage) wins the next point, it used to be called "advantage-all" (back when I played tennis - nowadays I think they just call it deuce again, without the "again" part). If the game continued for two more points (each one obviously won by each player) then the score went back to "deuce." The game ended when one player scored two points in a row after deuce was reached, whether or not it was the first time in that game. That's how I recall it, 30 years on.
  3. Yeah, I know, but I found your commentary to be exceedingly humorous, myself being the parent of a 3-year-old with a similar sense of humor as your spawn. I'm muttering that under my breath all the time around the house now: Where does this kid come up with this stuff? WTF???
  4. Many ways of saying a tie in tennis... 0-0 15-15 30-30 deuce ...but not 23-love. Just a public service announcement. or advantage all, or love all, but no one but the Brits use the "love all" term anymore.
  5. So, just to be clear, you guys (bunglehead and Dan, prolly others) lurked around out there (hidden in "Who's Online") and waited for me to take this bait? This is fun for you, I take it, yes?
  6. The "swearing" (WTF is that???) was what really put it over the top.
  7. You can always count on me for being a good sport and the butt of most any joke.
  8. Sweet. Do you have a first-grader at home, or what?
  9. I won't rob you of your moment of glory... orange who?
  10. oh all right, but just this once... who's fucking there, goddammit?
  11. oh all right, kurt, the suspense is killing me... Who's there?
  12. ...resisting the inevitable "make sobo look stoopid again by reeling him in with this tomfoolery"
  13. Wowsers! Then that's gotta be some rough rock! I've had tourons ask me if you have to wear gloves while climbing, and I always tell them "no." Mebbe I better reevaluate that answer... Thanks for clearing that up for me, luwayo! And I'm probably gonna have to check out that rock sometime.
  14. oh all right, since no one else will... Who's there?
  15. I've never done this peak, so I am not an authority on this subject, but from the references herein, am I to conclude that you climb this thing with gloves on????
  16. sobo

    An interesting fact

    Wowsers! What a symbiotic and self-sustaining set of occupations you have!
  17. sobo

    An interesting fact

    ...looks like lunch is grabbing back...
  18. sobo

    An interesting fact

    at least it has 0 cholesterol and 0 trans fats...
  19. I was always taught that pounding on a bolt was a bad thing. Better to take a pair of vise-grips, clamp 'em down tight around the threads, and spin the pliers a few revolutions. Release, re-tighten, spin again. Repeat as necessary. Dru's advice would work well, too. Make sure you have the right thread/pitch for the nuts so you don't phuk up the threads for everybody else.
  20. Yeah, old news... heard he was Pat Robertson's gay lover.
  21. A quick google search for equation of time resulted in this little gem. About halfway down the page it talks about the equation of time. At two-thirds down the page, the "figure 8" or analemma, is discussed under the inclination of the ecliptic section. The whole page is an interesting read. It's all good!
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