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Everything posted by sobo

  1. Posting pics like that on the internet should just be plain illegal! I just lost my breakfast! Where's the :hurl: graemlin?!
  2. Suzee Chapstick, In case you missed ChrisT's post a few days ago, you're an idiot!
  3. You mean more than twice what you get in England... no wonder you're not a millionaire.
  4. sobo

    That's rich

    86th percentile woulda thought it would be up there with tomtom's. I guess it's my job that's keeping the thumb down on me... I need a more prestigious occupation than "civil engineer."
  5. I have well over a million in assets. But it's all in Vietnamese dong.
  6. uhhhhhhhhh, we started this whole worthless thread with that joke.
  7. Doug OK, I guess "Phil" must be the guy in the hole, then?
  8. That's just creepin' me out, man...
  9. Three nuns go to confession. The first one, Sister Anna, tells the priest, "I have handled a man's genitals." The priest says, "For your penance, say ten Hail Mary's and wash your hands in holy water." The second nun, Sister Mary, confesses her sin, "I have let a man place his private parts against my buttocks." The priest says, "For your penance, say fifteen Hail Mary's and wash your buttocks in holy water." After the first two nuns finish their prayers, they head for the fountain with the holy water. The third nun rushes up and blurts out, "Hang on a second there, Sister Mary, I know what you did! I want to go ahead of you, because I gotta gargle."
  10. I traded up, from a Taco and from a stick. Lighten up, Mr. N; this is a joke thread.
  11. Does the rock wall come with it?
  12. This is really a suxor thing to have happen to someone, but it begs the question, "How safe is our stuff in our rigs at Rope-up when we're out climbing?" Do some cc.com'ers hang around to keep an eye on things, or what? Even with my HO insurance, it would still be a bitch to go about replacing all that shit acquired over 20-odd years or so...
  13. You might have better luck in the Climbing Partners forum. Or send a PM to... Terminal Gravity shapp vert wazzumountaineer ivan there's a brazillion others that I can't recall right now...
  14. No doubt it was. But it seemed to me like some history lessons needed clarifying.
  15. other favorites... "Gotta go pump a grumpy." "Browncapping" "Gotta go take a Bodman." (a former co-worker of ours ) "Release the hounds!"
  16. Gotta go as well, I'm browncapping...
  17. not exactly... ...For Adolf Hitler, the goal of a legally established dictatorship was now within reach. On March 15, 1933, a cabinet meeting was held during which Hitler and Göring discussed how to obstruct what was left of the democratic process to get an Enabling Act passed by the Reichstag. This law would hand over the constitutional functions of the Reichstag to Hitler, including the power to make laws, control the budget and approve treaties with foreign governments... ...On March 23, the newly elected Reichstag met in the Kroll Opera House in Berlin to consider passing Hitler's Enabling Act. It was officially called the "Law for Removing the Distress of the People and the Reich." If passed, it would in effect vote democracy out of existence in Germany and establish the legal dictatorship of Adolf Hitler. It was not so much that Hitler was elected Chancellor (he was not), but his party (the Nazi Party) won the election and he was appointed Chancellor by Hindenburg (with concessions to Hindenburg's current government and the people of Germany- which he later broke) in a coalition/divided Reichstag. The Nazis only won their seats in the Reichstag with less than 45 percent of the vote. Hitler's "Enabling Act" was passed overwhelmingly (based largely on his false promises and his capitalizing on the public's fears of communism) and... ...Democracy was ended. They (the Nazis) had brought down the German Democratic Republic legally. From this day onward, the Reichstag would be just a sounding board, a cheering section for Hitler's pronouncements... archenemy is correct; Hitler was not elected, although his party rose to power legally, and after being legally appointed Chancellor of Germany, Hitler legally removed democracy from German politics through the passage of his Enabling Act, which made him Chancellor and President all in one, effectively creating the dictator that we all read of today. Hitler bypassed the election process by using the fear of the times to force the legal passage of his Enabling Act. But all of this by no means constitutes being "elected." Much, much much more here.
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