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Everything posted by sobo

  1. Wowsa! That's really cool! You can now truly consider yourself Spawn of Greatness.
  2. gyselinck wrote: but he also wrote this in another thread in the Climbing Partners forum: WTF?? Two sides, same mouth? Not trying to slag here, but consistency is a trait to be admired.
  3. After reading your post ^^, I apologize for my crassness, knotzen. It was unitentional. From the tone of your OP, it originally appeared to me that you just dumped her off there, problem solved. I can see now that that wasn't the case. I'm surprised that the HS didn't call you back before she got the needle. And that vet sounds like he/she could use some sensitivity training. I had a dear cat for years named Trango, that outlasted several girlfriends. He ultimately developed CRF (kidney disease), but I worked with my vet and gave him several more years of high living. For me, it amounted to giving him subcutaneous injections 2 to 3 times a day, special foods, and picking him up and putting him down from the couch (CRF eventually leads to muscle atrophy in the hind quarters) whenever it seemed like he needed it. And I found a pet-sitter who'd do the same for him, so my climbing never really suffered as a result of my kit's illness. Again, I apologize. And I'm sorry to hear how your reationship with your kit ended.
  4. Indeed, it may be its own punishment, albeit I still find it highly disrespectful. They should just not show up, then, if it is so important to listen to their iPod. They can get the changes/assignments from their friends that do manage to get to class and pay attention. I seem to remember being a little drowsy during some lectures that were required but not in my major, but I was right there when it came to my CE coursework. Mebbe I was blessed with interesting and dynamic profs? Truth be told, I was. Thanks be to VA Tech. Hallelujah. Amen.
  5. Start with John at Hyperspud in Yakima. Talk to John Crock himself; he owns the place (and the one in Moscow). He might be sympathetic to the plight of a starving student/dirtbag climber, as he was there once himself...
  6. Agree wholeheartedly! But can't you require that they put that shit away for an hour? I have no doubt that the profs at VA Tech would have run me outta class if I had tried any of that kinda shite. Chirst, when I went (back) to school (2nd time), I had my entire life/career hanging in the balance. Graduating with a decent GPA meant the difference between remaining blue-collar or getting into a white-collar profession. Went to class every day, did all the homework, sat up front and asked pertinent questions if I didn't get it, and sought out the prof in his office during student hours (sorry if it sounds like a diss on TAs, but I figured I spent the $$ for a top quality education, so I figured I was owed the prof's time at his convenience) if I really didn't get it. And of course, I was at least five years older than every one of my classmates, so they all thought I was a nerd for doing what I was doing... Fuck 'em!
  7. YOWSA!!! A bit extreme, wouldn't you say? Couldn't you have have put an ad in Pet Finder, Animal Friends, or Best Friends? Check out any one of those on the web next time, before you release the guillotine...
  8. sobo

    Fuck Pres Bush....

    :begin rant: This would imply that the asshole behind the wheel GAFF about the rest of the world. Typically, the asshole does not. See the response immediately above. This has been tried on innumerable occasions over many years. All it takes to convince one that this approach is pure folly is to spend one afternoon in traffic court to hear how many people are DSL and/or DLR. These assholes feel that driving is a right, not a privilege. Read your driver's manual; it tells you on page 1 which of the two it is. Nothing short of jail time is going to keep them off the road. Same with those motherfuckers that don't buy insurance and cause me to pay extra for uninsured/underinsured motor vehicle coverage on my premiums. It is tantamount to subsidized law-breaking, yet it continues unabated. :end rant:
  9. sobo

    Spray Needs You

    Banned... or at least his name is not on the User List.
  10. sobo

    Spray Needs You

    Yeah, I've been around this site for quite a while now, so I've seen it all. Damn, I miss trask and company, but you're right, those guys had self-control issues... sometimes the abusive language and vitriol was just too much to bother to muddle through.
  11. "The better to lick you with, my dear," said the Wolf...
  12. My dad weighed over 250 lbs (6'-1") at age 38 when he started running in 1968. He ran 8 miles a day for the next 3 decades and then some, cutting back to at least 6 miles a day when his doc told him to quit it. Then to 5, then to 4 miles a day... Finally, he had to cut back to 2 miles a day when the bone spurs just couldn't let him continue. He had to totally give up running last year at age 74. While he never ran these long distance races and such, I once estimated that he's "run around the world" at least 4 times over the course of his life. He still weighs 175 lbs, but now he lifts weights and does cardio training for 2 hours a day, 7 days a week, and that ol' bastard can still kick my butt at just about anything on any given day of the week (although he'll staunchly deny it). Love ya, Dad!
  13. sobo

    age question.

    Whew! That was close, then... Saved by technology.
  14. sobo

    age question.

    What is this thing of which thou speaketh? Well, I'll snag the anyway, since I'm here...
  15. sobo

    age question.

    Post of the Day! Right there, yup!
  16. Jeezuz H. Christ! And I thought our primary and secondary school systems were the ones in trouble. Now the students in our institutes of "higher learning" need something as basic and obvious as this to be explained to them? What have we dumbed it down to?
  17. So you have a "Get Out of Jail Free" card on them, so to speak. Nice!
  18. How can someone that ugly ride a bike that cool?
  19. That's why the Euros use crepe paper...
  20. Did he have pink shag carpet on the dashboard? If so, I'd believe the license plate.
  21. sobo

    Spray Needs You

    Now that's some spray, in its purest form.
  22. Then you'd be in good company, I'm guessing...
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