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Everything posted by sobo

  1. You mean the ones of you doing kegstands? Or the ones of you getting a beer enema? Or the ones of you licking gyselinck's clothing, while he was still in it? Or the ones of you... oh well, you get the idea.
  2. lance is serious; he already PM'ed me, but I respectfully declined. Please keep his thread spray-free.
  3. sobo

    That's rich

    Do not engage. Repeat, do NOT engage.
  4. sobo

    That's rich

    In dealing with folks of KK's ilk, I have found the preferred strategy is not to engage. Repeat, do NOT engage. "Select Zone 5, and extend an escape. Better to retire your aircraft, then to push a bad situation." with apologies to Cmdr. Mike "Viper" Metcalf, Top Gun
  5. sobo

    My stepfather....

    You're a good sport! May sunbeams shine upon you, all the days of your life.
  6. sobo

    I Saw U

    64n h0w!++ !5 4 p0$3r
  7. sobo

    My stepfather....

    As is your autosig, Roger... whiskey is to be drunk staight up. you have no idea how long I've waited to post that...
  8. sobo

    I Saw U

    sweet bypass, Blake. Does Nodder still turn into steaksauce? ...I guess not.
  9. Post deleted by sobo because lance posted the attachment pic
  10. sobo

    My stepfather....

    Send in the troops!
  11. sobo

    My stepfather....

    By the sounds of it, E-rock's fucktard stepshit prolly thinks he IS Jesus. This is what I'm on about regarding the counseling. If she isn't already a DV case, she's certainly being mentally/verbally abused. This is no fucking good for her self-esteem, of which she needs a new infusion in order to kick this creep out of the house. If she does nothing, it's only a matter of time before she starts being physically abused, as statistics will bear out.
  12. sobo

    Chimney Rock

    Got it! I just thought that mebbe you had a different/newer Randall Green guide than mine (Idaho Rock, 1987), that's all. That route's too stiff for my fat ol' bacon-eatin' butt now anyway, not that I ever could have climbed it clean anyway...
  13. sobo

    My stepfather....

    Back to the issue... I'm no psychotherapist or anything like that, but has counseling been suggested to either/both of them? I personally don't put a lot of stock in it, but then again, I've never had counseling for anything. If the heel is too much of a fuckstick to benefit by counseling, maybe your mom can take some solace from it. Hell, maybe she'd even get up the gumption to kick his lazy ass out the door, and begin anew!
  14. sobo

    My stepfather....

    Wow, what a heel! Is divorce an option?
  15. That's not really the issue here, as I understand it. With the YDS up to 5.14 or 5.15 now, 5.7 is mid-fifth class, and not low fifth class climbing, which was what the OP requested... AIUI, low fifth class would be up to 5.4/5-ish stuff
  16. sobo

    Chimney Rock

    Is that from looking at the topo? Cuz my book just says that "...Fixed pins protect the strenuous and technical crux."
  17. Mexican tossing off a wrestling dwarf... Oh my!
  18. What, pray tell, does this look like? Or do I even want to know...
  19. you guys seem to get along so well together, tho...
  20. Agree with these for "low fifth class" climbing. That one move off the ledge on the chimney pitch of the Beckey route (Liberty Bell) may be a little over the brother's head, as TyClimber describes his bro above. You know the one... where you lean back a bit, with the sharp, nasty block below your back for the landing zone, etc. I think it's protected by a pin (or not??) these days...
  21. IIRC, a climb of the E face of Esmerelda Peak is equivalent to a date with a bowling alley, especially after any decent rainfall. I've only attempted it in winter, but if you decide to go there, be careful and wear helmets.
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