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Everything posted by sobo

  1. sobo

    my nose hurts

    My Dog, man, what the hell species are you? Your strange digital construction aside, I agree with your sentiment completely. Speaking of stealing a joke from my kid... Q: How do you make a handkerchief dance? A: Put a little boogie in it. ba-dum ching!
  2. sobo


    That's why I like this guy.
  3. sobo


    I just want to give some incentive.
  4. sobo

    my nose hurts

    Cute, TT. How long did it take you to make that up? Or did you steal that joke from your kid?
  5. sobo

    my nose hurts

  6. sobo


    incite?? insight?? hmmmmm...
  7. sobo


    Your practice at spray has produced sublimity in its variables. This is what I was talking about. Only you know that this means. Not necessarily true. Others here can also appreciate The Count's prose.
  8. sobo

    my nose hurts

    Finally! Someone able to eloquently put into words what I have believed for oh so many years. Tinkerbell, I humble myself before thee!
  9. Your point being???????? It's a well-known fact in the world today that the United States is "leading" a largely unsuccessful "war on terror", much like we tried, and largely failed, to conduct and win a similar "war on drugs" some 20-odd years ago. I use the expression simply because it's well understood by most people the world over, even if it has become hackneyed. Quit reading my drivel and go read the books.
  10. I was noting the irony of that as well.
  11. NYC is a good date. he doesn't complain about endless belay sessions or bivying in the car. And he dresses nice...
  12. the link to the AP story above, from MSNBC
  13. MSNBC news wire
  14. A little bit off-topic, but I just finished a great book by Greg Mortensen, a former climber who now builds schools in the way-backs of Pakistan and Afghanistan, to provide girls and boys of Islamist belief a secular education, as opposed to the education that they might get from a fundamentalist madrassa. It's a promise he made to a village chief after being rescued following his failed K2 attempt in 1993, and his own way of waging the War on Terror - one school at a time. Three Cups of Tea, a really good book, and it reads fast. Not yet out in paperback. Pair this book with Mark Bowden's Guests of the Ayatollah and Ahmed Rashid's Taliban and you get a pretty good picture of why the Middle East hates us so much.
  15. Yeah - but only if you haul beer in your backpack. Yeah, but I thought you'd draw the line at ice.
  16. That's one of my all-time favorite Clint dialogue exchanges.
  17. Naaahh, just let him keep on burning... alive.
  18. Field-castrated, sans anesthesia, then allowed to bleed dry would be my selection for a proper sentence for this parasite.
  19. Muffy, you are so much fun to play with. I bet you were the most popular kid on the playground in your day. Seriously! And I mean that in the nicest way. You've got a thick hide girl, and that's the way I like 'em!
  20. check my edit... last line, above ^^
  21. So does this mean that we're not part of the Rebellion?? (2 + 2 Muff... c'mon, you can do it...) you are asking alot of me today sobo don't tease the blond girl we are on a different wave length because i am not following Think Star Wars... Mike Gauthier = Evil Dark Lord (cc.com title) => Muffster say "...fortunate enough to have you on our side" => we follow the Evil Dark Lord => allied with the Empire => opposed to the Rebellion/Jedi/etc. => we are not part of the Rebel Alliance. :nurd: :nurd: :nurd: QED Studies show that frequent sexual activity improves the brain's capacity for deductive reasoning. Better go get some! 8D
  22. So does this mean that we're not part of the Rebellion?? (2 + 2 Muff... c'mon, you can do it...)
  23. I'll second that sentiment! Mike asked all the right rhetorical questions of the media "shark", and kept the blood out of the water. Of course, The Evil Dark Lord is going to get a bashing tonight when O'Reilly opens his show with "Head Climbing Ranger at Mt. Rainier NP shrugs off pointed questions about much-needed climbing regulations." Lastly, Hood ain't "Mike's mountain." Gator's got plenty else to be worrying about right now, I'm sure, then to be explaining to La-Z-Boy mountaineers how rescues/costs are actually conducted/apportioned. The job of education falls to all of us!
  24. I'm not a religious person - haven't been for several decades now - but I do know the pain that comes with a loss such as this. Please know that you have my deepest sympathy in this time of your grief.
  25. you don't even remember... "snif"
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