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Everything posted by sobo

  1. sobo


    He should be along any minute now... How could he let a thread title like his one get by him for 4 hours already?
  2. sobo


    Agreed. People need to get over their damn selves.
  3. sobo


    Hey eric, didja see this article linked from the OP article? Men often don't know what to do in the presence of a nursing mom At least her yoga pants weren't creeping up her butt, were they?
  4. mmmmmmmmmm, Halle... purrrrrrrrrrrrr 8D
  5. sobo

    Photo Caption?

    "The Philadelpia Experiment goes bouldering"
  6. sobo

    Gustav's -Leavenworth

    They musta changed their 'tude from when they first opened up there a few years back, then. During their first summer of operation in L-worth, we stopped in after doing OS and cragging on Goat Dome. Seeing's as how we liked their Wenatchee digs, we thought we'd give the new store a go. They regarded us as nothing but grimy dirtbag types from the moment we walked up to the maitre de. They stuffed us in some shitty corner table, away from everyone else, and virtually ignored us the whole evening. We weren't loud, we had plenty o' money, and we cleaned up pretty good in the bathroom after we got seated, so I don't know WTF their problem was. Never been back to either store since. Gustav's, by way of contrast, has always been welcoming to me (except when that big fat older wench is at the sign-in podium - she creeps me out). Overall, they treat me pretty much like any other patron in a tourist town that see a lot of visitors. Uli's... haven't ever tried it. Ducks and Drakes... ditto. Need to get back there some time to see what all the fuss is about. As far as Mexican goes, I get all of that shit I want over here on the eastside.
  7. Is this for real? If so that is hilarious! Like I said, the satisfaction was sweet beyond compare. I mean, my friends told me that.
  8. Thankful I am so down with you on that.
  9. I thought pretty much every established route in the Palisades area is closed to climbing because the access is across "unneighborly" private property?
  10. Shit, my album collection wouldn't be a tenth of what it is if I listened to this assclown.
  11. Oh yeah, she's HAWT all right. Yowzerz!
  12. Sure, unless it's a "moolti-pass"...
  13. there's a case of beer in it for anyone who can find me the bunny humping roadsign again start here: a sad commentary of our times...
  14. SHITE! Glue a sharkfin to that cat's back and Kitty's good to go! (spoiler warning) I really thought that guy was gonna get it.
  15. :lmao: dru--that's the best thing posted in weeks!!! And instead of the rasping heavy breathing, we get a nice soft purr...
  16. sobo

    Third Strike

    There's 99 other top climbing sites he could carry his torment to. He just found out about them in the other forum.
  17. sobo

    Gustav's -Leavenworth

    When you're talking "new" vs. "old" Gustav's, are you referring to "before" the fire vs. "after" the fire? Or was Gustav's located somewhere else prior to it's current location? Forgive me, I only arrived on your planet about 18 yarnegs ago.
  18. "Some friends I knew in college" went to a party one night, determined not to miss out on even one minute of hitting up the wimmin. So they both switched out their underwear for Depends. They arranged a secret signal that they could exchange between themselves across a crowded room to alert each other when they were urinating. To hear it from them afterwards, the sweet satisfaction of drinking endless quantities of beer, chatting up sorority bitches, all the while pissing your pants whenever the urge struck you, was beyond the pleasure afforded most mortal men.
  19. Naaaaaaaah, that's still just plain fat. My wife wears a 36DD, and I can't keep 'em under control at recess. 46DD would just be too damn much to handle!
  20. sobo

    Gustav's -Leavenworth

    Classic closure, Kurt. Just classic!
  21. sobo

    Urine Therapy

    mmmmmmmmmmm... the scorpions look especially good today.
  22. My thoughts are belonged to the government. I have no free thoughts. Seriously, I think this is over the top as regards gov't. control of private industry. The line that got me was... ...The agreement also stipulates that European size 46 no longer be specifically labeled as a larger size... Gimme a break. Now the Spaniards have PC. I don't care by what metric you measure it, if you're wearing a size 46, you're f*cking fat.
  23. sobo


    Creepy, ain't it?
  24. sobo

    Third Strike

    I thought you two took care of that already. Get a room, fer chrissakes!
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