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Everything posted by sobo

  1. sobo


    voted him in? I don't remember that happening Surely you're aware that it is not the popular vote that determines the presidency and vice presidency in this country? Scroll down to the bottom of Chart 3 of 3 to see why your statement makes no sense. It's called the Electoral College, and it's been this way since our Constitution was framed. ...In the elections of 1824, 1876, 1888, and 2000, the candidate who received a plurality of the popular vote did not become president. The 1824 election was eventually decided by Congress and thus distinct from the last three which were decided without...
  2. sobo

    Gustav's -Leavenworth

    I just love stories like that. Thing is, I'm usually the one who falls on my face.
  3. You see who produced it? What route on the Weeping Wall was it, Dru?
  4. So I see that our very own OlegV is the highlight of the photo op, but notice who took the pic? Yep, another cc.com'er. And they spelled his name wrong, too.
  5. I hear ya! I know the area you've been skulking around in lately.
  6. Thanks, Kevin. Appreciate it. Alex and Jason: Thanks for going in there and doing the shoot. It was nice to see it again, if only on film. God I miss that place...
  7. No worries, ryland... kurt's in the blue s00bie. It's all good!
  8. What about Olga? Philanderer! pffft!
  9. I think it all started with erik. There was also loving references to him by his pals as Baby Orca, too. He moved to SLC about 3(??) years ago. It would seem that his username has been culled...
  10. Hey Jake! I still have your... um... "payment" here in my office fridge. John sold Hyperspud and isn't around anymore. Ideas?
  11. sobo

    Finicky Cats!

    Better start getting used to it. Keep her comfortable. All the best to you and Critter!
  12. because only anchor (a bush) was about 60' back from the edge, making it about 130' to the ground. That's what I woulda thought. So you're thinking this is gonna come back in again in your lifetime? PS: Like your climbing wardrobe, Kurt... "Levi 501s: the new softshell"
  13. Yeah, right before he lost his head. Hate it when that happens...
  14. Good onya, Kurt and Jason! You'll make a PNW Hardman outta Jason yet!
  15. Good one! I shoulda thought of that. beecher's got the beta, Tony!
  16. sobo

    Caption requested

    A winner?? It's lookin' good so far. kevbone won't get it, tho...
  17. sobo

    U T A H ! ! ! !

    ...and where they meet FLDS leader Warren Jeffs, who then selects the pick of the litter.
  18. My wife took my (then) 3-year-old boy tubing right out of the parking lot at Snoqualmie Summit last year. I think it cost her $15 for the day, and $5 for the kid. Or are you looking for some place where it's free?
  19. sobo

    winter crap

    and you don't need to "pack it out."
  20. It's always great fun to be at ringside of a good catfight.
  21. sobo


    becauSE NoboDy reALLy Yearns tO UndeRtake activities they don't Mean tO. kNow what i mEan? EverY person wanTs tO control their actions in MEaningful ways. Roger, Please provide your bank routing and account numbers for quicker deposit.
  22. sobo

    winter crap

    lummox is back... How long you been at sea, now? 3 months?
  23. sobo


    Even I got that one.
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