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Everything posted by sobo

  1. sobo

    it's a good day

    Hey, is that chocolate cake and ice cream on the table...?
  2. sobo

    PI Poll on rescue

    ...as in "blown off the hinges" from the force of the expulsion/stench?
  3. Use the poll. We don't care about your personal opinion.
  4. sobo

    PI Poll on rescue

    That used to be you, didn't it? Now you've been "upgraded" to just a sinner?
  5. Seems kinda stubby in the diameter to length ratio... As Ron White sez... "I may not hit bottom, but I will stretch out the edges!"
  6. carolyn, Phydeaux and I are still pulling for you and Latte. And so is Trango, from Kitter Heaven. =^^=
  7. Oh great, just what I needed: more climbing legislation. Oh great, just what I needed: more warning signs for idiots. Get this - the literature that came with my avy beacon says "WARNING! This device will not prevent avalanches." Whew! Am I glad I read that before venturing out... Since when has having ample warning of the consequences of doing something idiotic and stupid deterred people in this country from doing something idiotic and stupid? And then filing a lawsuit seeking compensation for the consequences of their doing something idiotic and stupid? No it wouldn't. See last paragraph above ^^
  8. I think DeC's reference to "a bald head" has more to do with your gentleman friend's Purple Helmeted Soldier of Love than with his cranium... just a thought...
  9. I heard that job has been filled for the past 6-1/2 years now. But keep your resume' up to date; it'll be opening up again next Fall. Sorry, this isn't Spray, is it?
  10. Exactly. Do you not see the irony?
  11. I'm soooooooo glad I bookmarked this post. I knew I'd need it again some day... For the ignorant armchair climbers
  12. It goes hand in hand with the AAC Report: "Climbing Rescues in America: Reality Does Not Support ‘High-Risk, High-Cost’ Perception"
  13. Thanks, iain. I think it's time to post this again... ATTN: All armchair mountaineers, charge-for-rescue speculators, and MLU legislation proponents - PLEASE READ!!!1 jon/timmay- You guys care to make that link to the AAC report a sticky somewhere?
  14. sobo

    Elie Wiesel attacked

    I think my heart just exploded.
  15. I think chelle does, but it wouldn't be the first time I was wrong.
  16. ...one that makes the klaxon sound! Ah-ooooooog-ah! Ah-oooooooog-ah! Dive! Dive! Yeah, that's the ticket.
  17. sobo

    Dog on Hood

    The trouble I have outfits such as EF and ELF is that they believe the tactics they employ are OK, even if harm comes to others in the furtherance of their goals. A old friend's cousin (a logger) was f***ed up pretty damn badly when his chainsaw hit a railroad spike buried in a tree. That just plain sucks. But hey, we digress... this is the Dog on Hood Speculation Thread!
  18. sobo

    Dog on Hood

    uh huh. Never liked their tactics from the git-go. Same for ELF and Earth-Firsters.
  19. Exactly. Which is why I feel the way I do about both subjects. True again. "Mountain of Doom" - that's a good 'un. Mt. Hood, the Mountain of Doom, with its terrible Südwand...
  20. sobo

    Dog on Hood

    PETA has enough of it's own problems... ==> People Eradicating Tons of Animals
  21. :lmao: It had to happen sooner or later. Especially nice crop job on the chin strap buckle there, oly.
  22. I don't presume to speak for cluck and others in SAR/Mountain Rescue, but I am also a member of SAR/MR, and I do NOT think any Legislature should pass a law requiring the mandatory use of MLUs. Just my $0.02
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