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Everything posted by sobo

  1. Dru, I have "Hedonist" under my name at work--you hit the nail on the head with that one. It wasn't Dru, Honeychil'...
  2. jesus christ and you want to try liberty ridge. dont kill your self Or anyone else who comes up to rescue your ass.
  3. blasphemer?? cretin?? hedonist?? heretic?? infidel?? Wiccan?? I can go on...
  4. Just missed ya, Skeezix. I arrived "on the scene" in 1984 through 1988, whilst carving out a degree in civil engineering at Va Tech (then VPI & SU). I had made a couple of n00bie forays to Seneca in 1979-1980, before I knew WTF I was doing on the end of a rope. Damn near got myself killed both times. N00b!!!1 If you had met me back on my first trip to Seneca, you would have killed me too, no doubt. I remember camping (perchance illegally??) along Roy Gap Road on the rocks side of the North Fork river back then, near the spring over by the south pillar, where the trail to the South Peak East Face cuts through. And I remember the old swinging bridge, too. That was in 1979-1980. It probably got swept all the way to the Chesapeake Bay by the flood in late 1985. The following spring, me and my buds shifted our sights to the New River Gorge near Fayetteville, WV for the next several years. I never made it back to Seneca, as I graduated in 1988 and moved out here. I still have one of the old business cards from the Gendarme in my rolodex at work. God, how I miss Seneca Rocks. As you opined above, "It has, indeed, been that long." :snif:
  5. Hey Maynard! Bring out the Gimp!
  6. Pretty extensive cleaning required before you opened up, eh?
  7. sobo


    Awww fuck, you guys. I was just on my way out to lunch. I think I'll just skip it now. Thanks.
  8. sobo


    :noway: :noway: :noway: :noway: :noway: :noway: :noway: :noway: :noway: :noway: :noway: :noway: :noway: :noway: :noway: :noway: :noway: :noway: :noway:
  9. sobo


    Ick. on the computer dood...........lol Double Ick. :noway: Girl (or whatever), I'd get an OB-GYN to take a look at that. PERIOID.....AS IN THE LAST BUTTON YOU PUSH AT THE END OF A SENTENCE........SILLY BOY........TRICKS ARE FOR KIDS....... And keyboards are cheap.
  10. Good question!!!1 Where is our favorite sinner? Clearly, not in the Anti-Christ's living room...
  11. Hope you're feeling yourself soon (if you aren't already)!!!!!1 "When 900 years old you reach, look as good, you will not. Hmmm?."
  12. sobo


    Ick. on the computer dood...........lol Double Ick. :noway: Girl (or whatever), I'd get an OB-GYN to take a look at that.
  13. sobo

    my next sport

    :lmao: I am so cheered up now. Thanks lI1|1!, that was fucking hilarious! Whew! :breathe normally again: So, the vid of the guy who crashed and burned... did he base jump off a dam or something? It looked sorta like Hoover or the one out of that James Bond flick with Pierce Brosnan, but I didn't see any water. Any clues?
  14. Guy's in for some serious suffering.
  15. While it was not the Matterhorn, a similar thing happened to me back in my early climbering days. I had just topped out on the Gendarme (5.4) of Seneca Rocks (before it fell over in late 1987) and gave the obligatory "standing yodel" down to the visitors/touron center before anchoring in to the summit bolts (it was considered poor form to yodel after tying in) to belay my partner up. Whilst belaying my partner, I looked down the valley and noticed a strange plume of smoke hanging in the air. I discounted it, and went back to chattering with my partner. A dull roar began to fill the air. I turned back around to witness what I believe to be a WV Air National Guard A-6(??) scream by below me so close that I could practically read the pilot's name on his helmet. He looked up at me, waved, peeled sharply away from the rock and shot up the valley, "gunning the engines" and splitting my eardrums as he departed. My partner was shitting his pants wondering WTF was going on up there, as the Gendarme was seriously trembling from the sound/shock wave. I was screaming unintelligible rantings about how cool it was what I just saw. The Gendarme fell down a few years later. A sad day that was, indeed. To acquaint readers with the Seneca Rocks custom of the Unanchored Standing Yodel particular to Gendarme ascents, refer to the photo below of Gaston Rebuffat in the Alps. The feeling of vertigo is mindnumbing...
  16. Rocky Mountain Oysters, the other white meat.
  17. No, no, I wasn't dissing the canvas shorts. The reinforced butt is a nice touch of class. They were just a bit of a let-down after the "garter-harness" you sported in the "Nice Climbing guys" thread. Oh shit, now I've gone and done it. I've created a monster. Sherri = cyberstalker?? Of course, I'm playin' wicha, chil'
  18. What is with you and this word? "You keep using that word. I do not think it means what you think it means."
  19. WHAT!!!!1?? You don't like my first-issue Patagucci canvas climbering shorts, complete with the double reinforced ass? Clearly, you don't know haute couture when you see it. Pffft! Amateur.
  20. you wanna buy some really great cheap gear?
  21. My first year of ice climbering, ca 1985 or so. I couldn't wait for winter!
  22. cindy666, You are trying too damn hard to post like the "original" cindy, but I gotta admire your attitude. Keep it up, though; it's fun having you around to mock the original.
  23. Ding! Ding! Ding! We have a winner! That's the funniest shit I've heard in a while. :coffee spraying out of my nose:
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