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Everything posted by sobo

  1. From Google Translate: Automatically translated text: piolet rampe = ice axe crawls
  2. Sexy Cocoa: No one is saying that we don't appreciate what the kid can do, or that he ain't got a buttload of talent, but to have someone tell us that we are not worthy (i.e., hey wankers - this is how it's done) because we can't do the same is what sucks. In reality, yeah the kid is good, but he's doing nothing more than climbing at or a tad above his level. We've all done that. It's not news. Refresh below: Exactly! It was nothing more than a nice roadtrip for the kid. I hope he had fun. I see no flame, slam, or spray on the boy in either of those posts.
  3. 03/15/02 07:13 PM 03/15/02 06:13 PM ...give or take an hour
  4. Joe Brown?? Heavy, yes, but they make/made a HUGE "Fritz" style helmet. I still have one.
  5. sobo

    New to it all!!!

    Hey, thanks for the (shameless) plug for the Basic Mountaineering Course and CWMR!
  6. let's sum it up: glassgowkiss/CPB for Adam Ondra, like the kid really needs it... Exactly! It was nothing more than a nice roadtrip for the kid. I hope he had fun.
  7. :lmao: That's definitely very funny, and not considered pr0n (not on this site at least), but I do believe you'd make more friends here if you gave it the unmistakable FDA-approved warning label before someone opens that at work tomorrow. NSFW!!!1 Oh, and
  8. sobo

    The War on Terror

    I think Junior was put up to finish what Daddy didn't in 1991. Sounds too simple, but maybe true? I agree with you that there was no global or regional terror base in Iraq prior the US-led invasion of 2003. Hussein had his people pretty much squelched with his own home-grown variety of terrorism. The real effort should have remained in Afghanistan, if that's where our intelligence told/tells us OBL and al-Qaeda were/are. We have no business being in Iraq. I support/supported the military campaign in Afghanistan against the Taliban and al-Qaeda, but never The Bush War in Iraq. I never thought we should have gone there in the first place, as "we have no dog in that fight." I remember saying to my wife the day we heard the news that we had actually set foot in Iraq again, "Oh shit, we really did it. We've stepped in the dogturd again. WTF are we doing there? No good can come from this in the long run." THREAD DRIFT WARNING Now in my mind, if we really felt like we had to invade a sovereign country, we should have chosen North Korea. The (apparent) evidence of the danger to the West from the DPRK is greater: Kim Jong-il is actively pursuing nuclear weapons technology with (perceived) intent to deploy, he's acquired and tested ballistic missile delivery capability (with a few positive results), and has a firm belief (approaching paranoia) that the US is going to pre-emptively attack his state. In short, he's a loonie! Well, maybe not totally a loonie on that last point, given the current state of affairs in the Middle East... But if we do/had invade/d the DPRK, we would have to be prepared for a much greater, longer, and bloodier conflict, much like what the world experienced during WWII. Other states would almost certainly get involved (China, Russia, S. Korea, Japan, etc.). I do not believe that Joe-Bob America is prepared for what would surely be a sustained conflict, as mandatory rationing would surely infringe upon his ready access to pork rinds, cheap beer, cigarettes, NASCAR racing, and WWF spectacles. But back in 2003, it appeared to the administration that they would not have those long-term problems in Iraq, as the underlying assumption was that "we kicked their ass in 6 weeks before, we can easily do it again." We had what was thought by many to be "an easy target", supporting UN resolutions (however which way we wanted to twist the wording), and it would clean up Daddy's unfinished business. END THREAD DRIFT Oh, sorry, not facts, just my opinion.
  9. Wow! Almost 5 years he hath lain in his grave! That's gotta be a record.
  10. I find myself curiously titillated...
  11. I like 'em OK. The beefier threads are good. I like my Smileys, too. Got more of them than anything else.
  12. Budweiser Tall Boys... classic! That you on the right? Howard Stern on the left? So why's the guy bogartin' the bong and chuggin' a Bud?? Seems like selfish multi-tasking to me. Is it cuz he's the injured party (see lower leg)? Or are you guys just nice boys?
  13. d00d, there's like this little blue flashy thing that keeps zooming through my head... You guys see that too, right? sickie
  14. Here ya go... Scroll down to the "Join This Group!" toggle. When Trango had CRF, yahoo groups was where I got a lot of my info. Good luck with your kitter.
  15. Ah! Thanks Kurt. A picture is worth... that's sorta what I was thinking they must be like, except they aren't that Spandex crap that bikers wear that I thought they might be made out of. Mebbe I should get some. Going commando is ruining my capilene...
  16. sobo

    Mktg. Survey

    Frosty: Other - pro deal Arch: Sorry hon, we can't/won't do that. They'd shut us down pronto if the manufacturers even suspected it. There's some serious rules surrounding pro deals, as you can well imagine.
  17. Please to essplain what a boxer-brief looks like, please. Is this like the Pearl Izumi biking shorts or what? Ehhh Luuuucyyyy, something here needs 'splaining!
  18. sobo

    The Memo

    and apparently someone has his stapler Swingline? Or Boston? I hope it's not the Swingline, because it doesn't bind up as much...
  19. sobo

    it's a good day

    true, but he's got a stylin' pseudo-burkha... ...and chocolate cake and ice cream!
  20. sobo

    The Memo

    I'm gonna need you to come in on Saturday. Yeahhhh...
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