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Everything posted by sobo

  1. sobo

    the queens of spray

    DI-YAMMM!!!1 This calendar thingie is gittin' better n' better ever' time ah check in! Righteous work, tvash! And I agree with JayB: Ever' woman in this here thread is a go'-damn 10. And I mean it, I don' care who ya're.
  2. sobo

    hot climbing guys?????

    Also, please note the early onset on manboob. Sorry, JayB, but you put it right out there for anyone to take a swipe at it.
  3. Excellent news! Your karmic force must be strong, Yoda.
  4. sobo

    Front end alignment

    Ohhh, that last one hurt.
  5. Happy Birthday, Babushka!
  6. sobo


    I was holding it for someone.
  7. sobo

    the queens of spray

    You're off to a great start, tvash! :tup:
  8. ABSOFUGGINLUTELY!!!1 ABSOFUGGINLUTELY!!!1 But since when has common sense, logic, and reason been an influencing factor to politicians? Nice job, Rocky! Mad props to you and all the OR Mountain Rescue groups for getting on this shitheap and trying to get it killed!
  9. sobo

    the queens of spray

    "Evils we have not yet experienced, we are not prepared to resist." I read that from a woman somewhere... What about your title, Honeychil'? linkity link
  10. sobo

    the queens of spray

    We could share a page and not even use two pics! I like the way you're thinking...
  11. Sweet. Huntington's was my first real ice climbering venue, over 20 years ago now. Pinnacle Gulley, O'Dell's, and Damnation Gulley were my first ice climbs ever. Oh, the days we have seen...
  12. sobo

    the queens of spray

    I'm the droid they're looking for!
  13. For traveling eastbound: 1. Take Exit 143 (Silica Road) from I-90. 2. At the bottom of the ramp, turn left and go under the freeway. 3. Follow the road to the first 4-way intersection (less than a mile). 4. Turn left (west) and proceed down into the canyon to the parking areas. For traveling westbound: Change "left" in #2 above to "right", and forget the part about going under the freeway. Everything else remains the same
  14. sobo

    hot climbing guys?????

    in more ways than one...
  15. sobo

    hot climbing guys?????

    Very well, then... you asked for it. Now can I have November??
  16. sobo

    hot climbing guys?????

    I would post my FNA of Lightning Dome's Midnight Fright as my "obligatory nude shot with accessorized garter belt" but you've already seen it a dozen times. Can I have November?
  17. sobo

    the queens of spray

    Pink: You did indeed begin this thread with this remark: But in truth, it was tvash who actually brought us to the current discussion of climbering chicks of unmatched hawtness for a cc.com calendar, ca. Page 6 of the thread. One did not beget the other. So I don't think you're to be accorded any kudos whatsoever for coming up with the calendar idea. Sour grapes, buddy.
  18. Well, at least I got the right d00d. Wrong location, though. I was aware that he started working those short columns around Windy Point, just didn't know that was what it eventually got named. Thanks andy!
  19. sobo

    the queens of spray

    Criminy! All of you women are so damned hawt! Tvash, what a smashing idea you've hit upon. Where do I send the $$?
  20. sobo

    the queens of spray

    Hey, Gurl, there is no "wrong side" of 40. You go get 'em!
  21. Ya know, I consider meself a "local", having been climbing at Tieton for over 15 years, but WTF is "Mark's Wall"? Are you talking about the stuff that Mark McGuire put up at Wildcat about 15 years ago or so?
  22. An old climbing partner of mine used to say, "At least we're making progress." Way to go, Oly!
  23. No. See this thread in this same forum for more information and contact information.
  24. And from yet another daddy, Knelson's right. And if Chaps can't muster the guts, we'll send in Crampon next.
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