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Everything posted by sobo

  1. sobo


    I suppose it was only a matter of time before we'd have a cindy66 wannabe contest. Cascadeclimbers.com... my, how far the mighty have fallen.
  2. I've heard that brand of sarcasm before... cindy666 = archenemy?? edited to add emphasis on the third "6" to clearly distinguish my belief that cindy666 is NOT the same person as cindy66.
  3. Pffft. China doesn't "do" time zones!!!1
  4. Nice climbing Arch: Ee-yup! In days of yore, before I started wearing a... helmet. ivan: That was the original intent, but my strategy was flawed. I was never so gripped on a 5.9 in my life before that day. I will say this, though: "I am happy to have claimed the FNA of Midnight Fright. I'm sure you catch the nuance. Dru: I know you're going to be along any time now to comment upon the camera tilt. I DIDN'T TAKE THE PICTURE!!!!1
  5. Schweeet! Then you really, really, really should check out my other cool site for great cheap gear.
  6. sobo


    Typically, we put the comma immediately after a word, then the space. And you only need three of the little "dots" to form what is commonly known as an ellipsis. You might be a redneck?
  7. You guys believe everything you see on the interweb?? Check out my cool site for great cheap gear!
  8. sobo

    Name that Move

    Name that move? The Binding Release. The juxtaposition is palpable.
  9. sobo

    Spring Is Here!

    I love his stuff. His rendition of the periodic table is priceless. 'course, there weren't 103 elements yet, back then.
  10. sobo

    I want women

    Aramburuzabala!!!!1 Ooooops...
  11. With that in mind... [shameless self-portrait nudity plug] No helmet, absolutely no padding... [/shameless self-portrait nudity plug]
  12. I think those two are taking liberties with the size of their... ...helmets.
  13. O_W, Nice to have your exquisite corpse back again. The red x was aggravating.
  14. sobo

    Is it advisable?

    Advising Does it make a nice topping for cinnamon rolls, too?
  15. sobo

    Is it advisable?

    do they then put it in mammary dispensers? Whooopsie, wrong thread...
  16. sobo

    Is it advisable?

    Shite, oly, even if it's bad I don't regret it later. Well, maybe this one time, when I got really drunk...
  17. sobo

    Is it advisable?

    Naaaaaaaah, do it now, while the hate is still fresh. And we still want to see the pics...
  18. Don' mention it. Consider it my gift to you. Thank you, sir. May I have another?
  19. sobo

    Is it advisable?

    Abso-fucking-lutely!!!1 Hate fucks are great, no matter who's doing/getting the fucking. It's good for you (from the perspective of stress/anger release) and it's good for them (they get the fucking of a lifetime, especially if you're really really mad at your ex). And the video idea is brilliant. Go for it, and then give us the link.
  20. sobo

    Salvia Divinorum

    You take cream in your coffee?
  21. sobo


    Yeah, I've been cupped. It was part of a therapy I received from an Acupuncturist/Physical therapist. Kind of painful...leaves nice bruises the size of the cup used. This reminds me of another “cup” incident: A short while after my vasectomy, my wife and I went in for the follow-up appointment with the doctor. He informed me that I'd need to supply a "sample" in order for the efficacy of the operation to be verified. I asked how I was to supply the sample. He said I was to make an appointment, go into a private room on site, produce the sample in the room, and deliver the sample in the cup. I asked, "Does it matter by what means I produce the sample?" Doctor: "Well, usually patients bring in a magazine, or materials of preference, and produce the sample, uh...by themselves." I said, "Really?!" Doctor: "uh huh." I looked at the doctor, then turned to my wife and said, "Honey, this ain't happenin' unless you're willing to spit the sample into the cup." I don't remember any of the particulars of the remainder of that appointment except my wife pummeling me during and between my fits of laughter. I never did supply a sample in that cup. Back to the topic of the thread… …you take cream in your coffee? That is by far the mostest funnier TR I have ever read on this board. Fucking hilarious! Love the closing tagline...
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