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Everything posted by sobo

  1. Isn't it obvious to you by now??? The Man (and that includes the NPS) has detectors that pick up the pheromones of folks who could be classed as habitual law breakers. You are exuding huge amounts of this "flagrant law violation" pheromone, and it trips the shit out of their detectors. Then they just follow the indicator screen and home right in. So it's no wonder you keet getting busted.
  2. Not Chinese, but funny story while we were in Vietnam a few years back... I asked our adoption agency laison guy how to order the local beer, a brand called "333" (perhaps the Vietnamese favor numbers for brands - the national cigarette was called "555" - go figure). So he says it's called "ba ba ba", the number "3" being spoken as "ba". Seemed simple enough, right? Well, I'm gonna be all local and so I walk into a bar and sidle up to the counter and proceed to order "ba bah baa", to which the astonished barkeep looks at me with some level of surprise and alarm. A national who was present, and who happened to speak very good English, busts out laughing at me. I turn to him with that international look of "What?? Did I just fuck something up and come off looking really stoopid?" He comes over, and through his fits of snickering, tells me that I just ordered "three old women." Seems if you don't get just the right inflection, tonality, and hold the vowel just right and long (or not long) enough, you end up with quite a different order. I laughed heartily, and bought myself, the national, and the barkeep a round of 333 - the beer, that is! What a trip...
  3. OK, I'm really intrigued by this anecdote. I did a 4-year search back through the archives with "i-pod" in subject and body, and "ivan" as the username, and only came up with this thread that we're all reading right now. So spill, ivan. Enquiring minds wanna know what was on that 'pod. edit: nevermind. spell it without the "-" and it comes up. the highlight of my day
  4. I nominate this pic for a CC.com caption contest. My entry: "Wow, Mommy! Are those both just for me?" How do you know he didn't just catch a glimpse of me getting out of the shower? Oh kaaaaaaaaaaaay... My amended caption: "Gadzooks, Dad! You made me with that li'l thang?" sorry eric, but you set yerself up like a bowling pin on that one...
  5. I nominate this pic for a CC.com caption contest. My entry: "Wow, Mommy! Are those both just for me?"
  6. How much will you guys pay me not to bring my trombone? You can bring it, as long as it's not rusty...
  7. Wow! 20 years for the repeat.
  8. We have an Eagle Creek (??) for Nicholas (although he's 5 now and never uses it any more) and a Kelty for Elaina (soon to be 3). Nicholas loved his EC when he was younger, but Elaina never sits still in either carrier. It makes it difficult to take them both anywhere, because our (family) range is limited by her personal range and unwillingness to stay in the carrier. I think it's more a kid thing than a carrier thing.
  9. Read this. That's Dave Burdick. He posts here under the avatar AlpineDave. Click on his avatar ( <=== right there ) and send him a PM.
  10. Dwayner, Not that I like bouldering (cuz I suck at it), but you really should pay better attention to what you read. To wit (emphasis added): Lastly, Could not agree more. Buy a rope bag. And why the scene with the rope anyway, if he's going to go bouldering solo??
  11. Profile for sobo Member #: 198 Title: Total Posts: 4421 Registered on: 12/17/00 12:00 PM YIKES!!!1 WTF have I done with my life?
  12. It's called Kids Rope-Up, it's held in the Icicle, and typically precedes the adult version of same. Check the Climber's Board and/or Events Forum. Closest thread I could come up with, although no date was ever proposed/firmed up.
  13. You forgot UBER DELISCH... how could you?
  14. ...The tether deployed Tuesday is .0196 inches thick and is made of Dyneema, which the ESA said is used by kite surfers. ...and climbers.
  15. Yah, but she changed the locks!
  16. Go away, son! Ya botha me!
  17. There is always a need for a permit to park there. The $66 ticket doesn't go away when hunting/fishing season does.
  18. Anything by Ken Burns is gonna be excellent. The guy just has a gift. Too bad our TV doesn't receive dish or cable, and we don't have rabbit ears (it's a young kids thing, ya know). I'll have to wait for the DVD release. I'm really looking forward to this series.
  19. Great piece. Caught it on the way home from work last night. For those not in the know, The Wall of a Thousand Pitons at Seneca Rocks, WV, was created by the 10th Mountain as part of their training prior to their shipping out to Europe in WWII.
  20. That's because the mission has been concluded. Not a lot of detail right now, but it was not the outcome that had been hoped for.
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