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Everything posted by sobo

  1. Civil engineer, until I clicked on rmncwrtr's heidifleis linky. "You have attempted to access a restricted site. A notification has been sent to your supervisor." Now I'm just waiting for the boom to fall...
  2. I was younger then... and stoopid. More than once, too.
  3. Your welcome. Neither will this be. As I recall the exposure from this gulley, a pitch off the face will in all probablility be fatal. I don't recall the rating, but it is the exit from the NF bowl, yes. It seemed an awful lot harder than mid-5th class when it's running water. I still don't know how I led it. More than once. Good luck, and enjoy your climb. Write a TR when you get back. It's a great climb, and I'd love to relive it again vicariously through you.
  4. Panos, I have not done the traverse, but have done the NF of North Peak at least twice that I can remember (maybe three times?). By my reckoning of the recent weather patterns, you will find the north-facing gully just after the "monkey traverse of the hanging gardens" quite wet, probably even running water. It was running water every damn time we did the route, and we did not find any decent protection for that pitch (but if you're going to solo it, that isn't going to matter to you anyway) until almost the top out at the ridge (the climbing on that ridge on the way to the summit is spectacularly exposed (but trivial) on your right - way cool!). Lower down in the gulley we had to scrape up thru wet heather to get to the running water - not fun. But if you can get thru that bit without pitching off the face, you should do just fine. Regarding crampons/ice axes at this time of year, I would not think you would need them. Blake is right, though, the route is going to be neither in summer nor winter conditions. But I can guarantee you it will be wet. When rapping back down from the top of the ridge above the wet gulley, take care so you don't let your rope get blown into the pine tree...
  5. A Watched Topics issue: There used to be a little magnifying glass next to each thread that one had tagged as "watched" so you could fire off surly replies/insluts quickly and easily. Now those little magnifying glasses are gone. I know that you can still find your tagged threads in the Watched Topics section of My Stuff, but that requires you to go back each time to find the next one before you can fire off another salvo against someone. If you're already in the right forum, searching for magnifying glasses would be easy, but going back to Watched Topics becomes rather pedantic.
  6. sobo


  7. sobo

    who killed archenemy?

    um, whoa. there must be some sort of alignment of the planets against me, or else I am human after all! If you will peek back at my post, I quoted "tvash" because I just assumed it was his post. He commonly uses the accent-written-as-it's-heard tactic, and coming from him it sounded pretty surly and know-it-all, and deserving of a little zip in a response. Now that I realize it came from you, I.. I, boy I just wish I could do it all over again! Can you bear to forgive me?!?! :cry: How you can be so sure that I'm not just another carefully hidden, created for obfuscation, cc.com State secret "tvashatar" sent here to sow the seeds of malcontent?
  8. sobo

    who killed archenemy?

    Why did I think that you lived up near Index? Weren't you posting pics of flooding "right out your front door" earlier this year?
  9. sobo

    who killed archenemy?

    The guy's got my vote! :tup:
  10. sobo

    who killed archenemy?

    uh, no you can't Thanks for being so helpful and explaining things... NOT! I would have expected better from you, given your post record. A reevaluation is in order.
  11. sobo

    who killed archenemy?

    Thanks, arch, for that clarification. Now I understand what you were referring to about eyeguards in a post of yours upthread, when you first mentioned the kill. Which was where I did my hunting over 25 years ago, and hence adding to my confusion on your count. And why I used the "Deliverance-style" language in my original post. This has already been covered. I won't drag you thru the mud any further.
  12. sobo

    who killed archenemy?

    Ah don' hunt no mo', but Ah kin still kownt pert'near good. Whut am Ah missin' he-yah?
  13. Doesn't appear he's going to match it, from the eBay spread. Just that the entire winning bid will be donated to the charity. Still, $851k is nothing to sneeze at!
  14. sobo


    I have to admit, that was at once both funny and wierd. And I know right where the husband was coming from. Things have improved since shaving my beard off earlier this spring, though...
  15. My daughter Elaina turned 3 yesterday. October must be a great month!!
  16. Stop with the "super fun"!!!!1
  17. Not gonna do it. Wouldn't be prudent.
  18. that just plain sux ass I hope the guy(s) develops ulcers, ingrown toenails, and hemorrhoids, all in the same week. And they never get cured.
  19. Well, there's two kinds of people in the world: Savers and Spenders. I guess you're a Saver. Whenever I manage to finagle a penis pass from the wife, I spend that sucker... fast!!!!1
  20. They are Kozaks (Zaporozhci): linky You'll see the inspiration for my posting style... This is classic stuff! Goat-fuckers, even! From the wiki link: "...According to the legend, the reply was a stream of invective and vulgar rhymes, parodying the Sultan's titles: Zaporozhian Cossacks to the Turkish Sultan! O sultan, turkish devil and damned devil's kith and kin, secretary to Lucifer himself. What the devil kind of knight are you, that can't slay a hedgehog with his naked arse? The devil shits, and your army eats. You will not, you son of a bitch, make subjects of Christian sons; we've no fear of your army, by land and by sea we will battle with thee, fuck your mother. You Babylonian scullion, Macedonian wheelwright, brewer of Jerusalem, goat-fucker of Alexandria, swineherd of Greater and Lesser Egypt, Armenian pig, Podolian thief, catamite of Tartary, hangman of Kamyanets, and fool of all the world and underworld, an idiot before God, grandson of the Serpent, and the crick in our dick. Pig's snout, mare's arse, slaughterhouse cur, unchristened brow, screw your own mother! So the Zaporozhians declare, you lowlife. You won't even be herding Christian pigs. Now we'll conclude, for we don't know the date and don't own a calendar; the moon's in the sky, the year with the Lord, the day's the same over here as it is over there; for this kiss our arse! Koshovyi Otaman Ivan Sirko, with the whole Zaporozhian Host
  21. I trust that you haven't given up your "pussy pass" already, have you? If you haven't figured out how to sit around, drink beer, and bullshit with a bum ankle yet, then there's no hope for you whatsoever!
  22. sobo


    Grumpy, eh? Back in court again, Blake? sorry man, couldn't resist it... But good catch on the punctuation! Kane, Seriously, Billy finley had some good general recs for you. I have an old set of Fisher Air Tours that meet those length and sidecut ratios, and they're reasonably light. IIRC, they are 180s. I don't thinik they make them anymore, tho, not that you would want that particular ski. I fitted them with Fritschi touring bindings, but that was before the advent of the Fritschi Diamir FreeRide binding, which looked pretty sweet to me at the time (but at over $400 shekels was outta my price range). And Kurt was right about being prepared to suck at first. You're going ot be doing alot of face-planting, even if you're an ExtremoMtnDude on the groomeds. Mountaineering boots, no matter how adapted to ski mountaineering they are advertised to be, are going to be "squishy" by nature in the ankle, so you can walk/climb in them without turning into a ER patient. So you're going to be going down a lot early on. Shit, I still crash and burn pretty regularly when I break out that gear.
  23. Hey Mel, Someone usually does that. If I was less lazy than I am right now, I could do a search for "TR: Rope Up 200X" in subject and body, search in All Forums, and go back the requisite number of years, and you could catch up on old times, but I'm too lazy right now. The TRs have great potential for extortion later on in the year until the next gathering. When I went to RU in '05, I managed to stay out of the camera eye for the entire weekend while still being a bumbling idiot, so no one has anything on me.
  24. Good move. Make sure you tape up the doors and windows real tight with Saran Wrap and duct tape. You don't want any of those 'mones sneaking out through the cracks. It'll bring Da Tool a-runnin' with citation pad & pencil in hand right into your fuckin' living room!.
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