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Everything posted by sobo

  1. This one? I've been "bribed" into making copies of it for friends on this site. Whaddarya offerin'?? :brew: :brew:
  2. D00d, I have :pagetop:s living in my house! The wife has 4 pairs of bunnies that have thier own friggin' room!
  3. You are my new goddess! After 5 years scratching at this damn thing, I still wake up the dead when I "play" the violin.
  4. I'll prolly catch a load o' shit for this, but consider Yakima. Yah, I know - Crackima, the Drug Capital of Washington. 1. Close to cragging all up and down the Tieton River canyon (20 minutes from town to closest crag). 2. Moderate to hard ice routes in really cold years in the Tieton and Naches River drainages, and EVERY year at Strobach Mountain. 3. Mt. Stuart is only 1.5 hours from town to south side trailhead (Esmeralda Basin TH). The whole Alpine Lakes region and the Mountaineer's Creek drainage is right there. 3a. You didn't mention WW kayaking. Tieton, American, Naches Rivers - all right there. Mountaineer's Creek and the Wenatchee River are about one to 1.5 hours away. 3b. You didn't mention DH and/or XC skiing. White Pass is an hour from town. 3c. You didn't mention hiking. The PCT can be accessed at White Pass or Chinook Pass, and hour from town. Goat Rocks Wilderness Area, Norse Peak W.A., William O. Douglas W.A. should all get Honorable Mentions. 3d. You didn't mention glacier slogging. Rainier can be accessed in just under two hours from town to the Paradise parking lot. 4. Employment... good luck. You could always deal crack. It's a booming business! Any votes for E-burg?
  5. One would think, huh? Whaddarday tinkin'??
  6. Ricknie: You have to understand that every village has a Resident Idiot. For cc.com, it's kevbone.
  7. sobo

    One lucky dude!

    Speed III... pics??
  8. O! O! O! You know what I'm talkin' about.
  9. Those are two words that I would think no gurl would confuse...
  10. The pagetop-inator strikes again. HOR: I'd say that 1 is too young, especially what you were doing. I took my boy out when he was 2, but he wasn't too thrilled. So I took him out again when he was 3, and he thought it was cooler. But he's 4 now and into trout fishing. He caught his first two rainbows a coupla weeks ago on his third day out. He thinks fishing rules. Dad likes it cuz he can just sit there and drink beer.
  11. C'mon, Sherri... Weight loss contest? Swedish pastry? Connect some dots, gurl. But really, hon. You know what I'm talkin' 'bout! O! O! O! O!
  12. all over us girls who are buff Kegels??
  13. Not silly at all, O_W. We are cat people after all. Hear us roar!
  14. Hi Carolyn! I'm glad to hear that things are going so well for Latte, and also for you. Keep moving forward, Girls! :tup: We need more pics of Latte, and your new digs.
  15. When I'm on drugs, I act like a horse's ass. When I'm not on drugs, I look like a horse's ass. So you could say I'm a horse's ass all the time.
  16. Scott: Funny related story ensues... Years ago my buddy Frank Gibson and I were out winter camping. It got down to like 40 below (no shit, -100 with the windchill was reported by the weather station on the top of the mountain we were camping on). Everything was frozen, even the beer, except his bottle of Jack Daniels. We drank that straight all night until it was gone, then passed out. Some time during the night, Frank had to piss. He fumbles around, and it being so fucking cold outside, he pisses in his cup, and throws the piss outside. He passes out again. Next morning, we're making hot chocolate in the tent (before we blew up the stove and burnt the tent down ) cuz it's still so goddamn cold outside. I pour some water for him, he stirs up the mixture, drinks it, smacks his lips, and looks at me quizzically... "This hot chocolate's got a twang to it. Just can't place it..." He wouldn't believe me when I told him how it got that way. I still laugh when I think about that trip.
  17. Click this link, scroll down to sobo's last post, and read therein. Should be self-explanatory from there.
  18. [after Ray spills a box of toothpicks on the floor] Raymond: 82, 82, 82. Charlie: 82 what? Raymond: Toothpicks. Charlie: There's a lot more than 82 toothpicks, Ray. Raymond: 246 total. [Charlie looks to the waitress] Charlie: How many? Waitress: 250. Charlie: Pretty close, Ray. Waitress: There's four left in the box. Yeahhhhh.
  19. The Basic Mountaineering Course (BMC) of YVCC will be having their first rock climbing day this Saturday, June 2, at RC. The second group will be out at RC the following Saturday as well, June 9. Just a heads up reminder, paired with a hi-jacking of Toast's thread. There are only 11 students in the class this year, and the total will be split into two groups, so no group will be larger than a half dozen plus a couple of instructors. And the students will not be leading, so they should cycle through the easier routes rather quickly. I think they'll concentrate to the left end of the cliff. Be kind, for everyone you meet is fighting a battle. ...sobo
  20. Starting with an accepted approximation of water at 62.4 lbs/cubic foot, and using 7.48 gallons/cubic foot, that makes for 8.34 lbs/gallon, not 10 lbs/gallon. But we get your point, TT. And yes, I'm wearing my plastic pocket protector... :nurd: I'm gonna start calling you Rainman Have to get to K-Mart. 400 Oak Street. The sign said 'Don't Walk'. Have to get to K-Mart. Yeahhhhhh.
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