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Everything posted by sobo

  1. never thought it did...
  2. Read it this past spring; I whole-heartedly concur. Some of those stories had me welling up with tears. Definitely a must-read for a father - of any age. :tup:
  3. Interstate freeways can actually exceed that grade, and sections of many of them do. Look at I-84's Dead Man's Grade coming down into Pendleton for a local example.
  4. Although I haven't seen this "new" trail, I suspect that the NPS is targeting an 8% grade, as that is the maximum grade allowed for ADA (Americans with Disabilities Act) compliance. Since these trails are on lands owned/managed by the federal government and/or built with funds from the feds, any new construction must be in compliance with this Act. In my line of work, I've been dealing with this Act since it became law back in 1990. But since about 2000, it's been really hitting the fan everywhere. You can thank Jeff Pagels for getting the ADA shitter at Camp Muir as a result of his ADA lawsuit.
  5. Sounds like an ad in the personals... You're doing great, M! Keep it up! weightless
  6. sobo

    arrgghh mateys

    And an eye patch, too? Please?
  7. Yogi's great! "When you come to a fork in the road... take it." -- YB
  8. Fuck no, man! We're sensitivioso, not sensitive.
  9. Hi Carolyn and Latte! Nice to hear that her "vitals" are normal. Sux about the rodentia deprivation tho... Don't feel bad about being shat upon by a cat. After all, you shoulda known about that part going in. Let's see those pics!
  10. Nanaimo. What a fun town! Went sailing and got drunk there for a week one night.
  11. sobo

    Other talents?

    Jeebus Christ, ChrisT, WTF you been? It's been over a year since we've heard from you. Lose your password or sumpin'?
  12. fuck that. do what I did and spend the coin on booze and dope and lie in front of the tv for a week and veg out. :tup:
  13. :lmao: :lmao: :lmao: How poetically justified that would be
  14. So MGBC, I have to ask... did you do any handstands in the stuff?
  15. Same thing happened to me, at just a few years younger than 30. After a hike along the AT in the Shenandoah NP, I literally exploded in PI blisters. It was horrific. Wanted to die. And Dr. Bronner is indeed, truly, your best friend at these times. Another plant they have back there, and I've seen it out here, is something they call Virginia Creeper (back east). It's a 5-leaved, serrated edged, plant that looks sorta like cannabis, only the leaves are fatter. Whatever you do, don't huff it! I got into this shit so bad once while on a survey crew, that I had to take the week off and just laid around the house watching TV and staying ludicrously stoned to dull the pain and itching.
  16. sobo

    Other talents?

    me too. Which is why I suck at so many things.
  17. sobo

    Other talents?

    Fatherhood Chess Wine tasting (yes, I know, I'm a winesnob) Tennis Classical music WWII history Everything else I suck at worse than my climbing, such as... Violin (could never really stick with the practice schedule) Dancing (took lessons for a few years for many different styles; gave it up once it had achieved its purpose... ) Skiing (as I have forsaken my former hobby of choice for climbing two decades ago) WW kayaking (don't get out enough any more) Bicycling (ditto) Sailing (ditto) Fly fishing (ditto) I'd say I'm "average" at all of the above things that I suck at. I'm sure there are more things that I suck at worse than these.
  18. didn't see that the first time around...
  19. Then you'd be in overdrive if you ever came across me. By way of analogy, I have a friend and former climbing partner with whom I still keep in touch. When his girls were much younger, and I would come over for a visit, he used to tell them, "Don't feed the bears..."
  20. Does The Princess Bride count as a pirate movie??
  21. On that new mountain they have down there. It's over 30,000 feet tall! What, you mean you haven't heard about it? SCORE: sobo = 0 points for reading comprehension of OP.
  22. That was such a great flick! No change from the last time I posted. Still holding steady, but then, I'm not doing anything about it, either.
  23. Over 3 years... now that's more like a resurrection.
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